Example sentences of "is recognised that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The evidence shows that such children will make greater progress in English if they know that their knowledge of their mother tongue is valued , if it is recognised that their experience of language is likely to be greater than that of their monoglot peers and , indeed , if their knowledge and experience can be put to good use in the classroom to the benefit of all pupils to provide examples of the structure and syntax of different languages , to provide a focus for discussion about language forms and for contrast and comparison with the structure of the English language .
2 It is recognised that our scientific and horticultural activities are of interest to two separate potential audiences , and the packs need to be tailored accordingly .
3 Henry Fairlie wrote : ‘ The exercise of power in Britain ( more specifically , in England ) can not be understood unless it is recognised that it is exercised socially . ’
4 The rules for the cameras in committees are essentially the same as in the House , except that it is recognised that it is not possible to exclude shots showing the public , especially those sitting behind the witnesses in a select committee .
5 It is recognised that it is almost impossible to correctly identify the characteristics of fast growers at a start-up stage but once a track record of two or three years data exists selection may be possible .
6 1.4 It is recognised that there is a group of patients with tissue defects that can not be healed .
7 It is recognised that there are strongly held views on both sides of the ‘ smoking argument ’ .
8 It is recognised that there is no rigid division between these categories ( the library and photographic services are used both internally and externally , for example ) , but for convenience they have been dealt with separately in this Report .
9 It is recognised that there is no easy response to be made by referring to the independence of Religious Education in Catholic schools .
10 It is recognised that there is a view of Religious Education in which educational principles will take precedence in deciding the appropriateness of the content to be studied over that which adherents to a particular faith tradition may consider essential and appropriate .
11 While it is understood that the pupil will acknowledge the Church 's viewpoint , it is recognised that he/she may express a personal opinion which differs from , and/or is critical of , the Church 's teaching/practice .
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