Example sentences of "is obvious that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the book , it is obvious that Petrey is deeply committed to Austin 's way of thinking .
2 ‘ It is obvious that responsibility for 100 years of decline of UK plc must be laid at the door of the Establishment which purported to guide the affairs of the nation , ’ Peter Morgan told them in a speech which commanded wide attention .
3 He said : ‘ It is obvious that Kenneth Clarke intends to try to starve our members back to work .
4 Mr Chris Humphreys , London secretary of Nupe , said : ‘ It is obvious that Kenneth Clarke intends to try and starve our members back to work .
5 From watching raindrops , bubbles and insects walking on ponds it is obvious that water and other liquids have a surface tension .
6 It is obvious that Alison has not recovered in any sense , and is just managing to keep out of hospital by maintaining her weight at a low but not life-threatening level .
7 It is obvious that experience and knowledge of the subject yield dividends in the classroom .
8 It is obvious that Bellini had assistants to help him in his studio ; indeed , there is documentary proof of that .
9 It is obvious that things can not go on as they are .
10 It is obvious that company output and projects must reflect the man-power and its performance level , but , if this is acknowledged at all , it is only in brief verbal terms within , for example , the chairman 's annual report .
11 But there are sites where it is obvious that art work is being subordinated to/accommodated to/adapted to/subservient to/required to/useful to …
12 It is obvious that students should not believe that their own ideas by themselves are valid .
13 While denying that he would be merely a stopgap premier , Goh nevertheless stated in December 1989 that " it is obvious that Lee Hsien Loong will be after me " .
14 It is obvious that sovereignty does not mean dictatorship .
15 If it is obvious that US policy towards Indo-China could not be considered in isolation from its policy towards the rest of Asia , it is even more obvious that the integration of US policy for Vietnam came about at the same time as the disintegration of its policy towards China : the most traumatic episode in US power-war policies in Asia , at least until the outbreak of the Korean war .
16 It is obvious that business activity would falter and collapse without the use and constant development of information/data-based technologies .
17 With an overcrowded tank and fish which require very pure water , it is obvious that maintenance is very important .
18 Modifications to the general view are only minor and it is obvious that relationships between black sportsmen and their coaches and managers are structured by such a view .
19 It is obvious that humans have far bigger brains than even our closest relatives and the fossil record suggests that the rate of evolution has been spectacularly fast , the brain size more than doubling in less than two million years ( see e.g. Foley , Another unique Species ) .
20 It is obvious that drama in the English secondary curriculum is content-based , as well as process-based .
21 Although it is obvious that tax and expenditure policies affect individuals differently , measuring the extent of the differences is much less straightforward .
22 It is obvious that image is important , both to the young woman concerned with her self-image and to those involved in promoting a certain kind of image , a certain look .
23 As to the melancholy or chronic mild depression which socialist totalitarianisms seem to induce , it is obvious that individuals who have not mastered oral , anal and phallic instinctual drives within their own personalities can not derive the gain in self-esteem , self-control and narcissistic self-satisfaction which the successful surmounting of an instinctual conflict always brings .
24 What is clear from this , though , is that what we are talking about are conventions , and it is obvious that conventions derive their meaning from social contexts .
25 Although there is no adult conversation in the next example , it is obvious that Jill was a sympathetic listener , letting Dean enjoy his experiences and learn from them .
26 I described colour mutations as deformities , and I think it is obvious that fish suffering from such mutations can be even more disadvantaged than those with crooked spines or distorted finnage .
27 It is obvious that Picasso , who had admired the formal , sculptural element in tribal art , also appreciated the abstract , structural side of Cézanne 's work .
28 It is obvious that Smith 's assessment is coloured by his self-revealing remark that ‘ Coleman had never done a day 's soldiering in his life , and for that reason alone was incapable of leading and directing ’ .
29 It is obvious that Mr. Mahmoud was impecunious .
30 In the Musical Offering the degree of chromaticism is notable , and yet it is obvious that Bach 's ideal was to use true intervals consistently , introducing a wide variety of modulation .
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