Example sentences of "is greater than [art] " in BNC.

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1 Unemployment is greater than a year ago in every country in EFTA and in every G7 country except the Netherlands .
2 If the new resolution is greater than the original , you can show your entire image at its original resolution in part of your new display device , ie. , in a window of it .
3 In their planning they retain the large central school-room , but the provision of classrooms is greater than the norm established by the church schools .
4 He argues that the danger of an ecological collapse of the earth — what he calls ‘ ecological death ’ — is greater than the danger of a nuclear catastrophe .
5 It is also about carrying that image into every other aspect of the political campaign , so that the whole really is greater than the sum of the parts .
6 The will of the Iranian people is greater than the Soviet people .
7 A gene which causes its carrier to forgo reproduction in favour of raising relatives will increase in frequency in the population if the number of replicas of the gene in those relatives is greater than the number which would have been present in its own offspring .
8 The size spectrum of tawny owl prey is similar to that of the two British samples of barn owl , so that the size variation of the prey within a wide ranging predator like the barn owl is greater than the prey size variation between it and other predators .
9 I. Moreover , the sum of v + s is greater than the product of Dept .
10 Thus , Bukharin argued , if total unproductive consumption is greater than the total surplus product/value regression is set in motion .
11 There are only three solutions : the owners can decide that the pleasure of having a cat in the home is greater than the distress of living with scratched furniture , or some kind of covering that cats hate to scratch has to be put over the sides of the furniture , or the cats have to be trained not to strop the furniture with their claws .
12 When the demand for labour is greater than the labour force , unemployment falls below the NUP .
13 Many of these measures are small in themselves , but it is important to realise that the changed atmosphere in the town — in the sense of more greenery , more skeet play possibilities , lower noise levels and so on — represents a sum that is greater than the parts in developing a pedestrian- and cycle-friendly environment .
14 As Arnold himself so clearly saw , ‘ a society formed exclusively of boys , that is of elements each separately weak and imperfect , becomes more than an aggregate of their several defects ; the amount of evil in the mass is greater than the sum of evil in the individuals ’ .
15 If this time period is greater than the input pulse width , the motor is driven in one direction whilst if it is less than the input pulse width , the motor is driven in the opposite direction .
16 This means that the voltage delivered at low output currents is greater than the rated voltage .
17 The basic principle underlying the DIY approach is that ‘ the whole is greater than the sum of the parts ’ .
18 Jesus is seen as fulfilling the Old Testament in the sense that he is greater than the Jewish Law .
19 The Daily Mail proudly stated ‘ The Mighty ZETA : Limitless Fuel for Millions of Years ’ , the Daily Telegraph was only slightly more reticent : ‘ Hydrogen power 90 per cent certain ; Energy from sea in twenty years ; Machine will surpass heat of Sun ’ , and on television one scientist said ‘ This discovery is greater than the Russian Sputnik . ’
20 If the returned hash value is greater than the defined table size , the modulus operator wraps around back to the start of the table .
21 The fall potential on this wall is greater than the length of the climbs as well !
22 IBM Corp chairman Louis Gerstner has called a halt to plans to break up the company , the Financial Times claimed yesterday : the paper said Gerstner told a group of executives , ‘ The whole of IBM is greater than the sum of its parts , ’ and put the strategy into reverse ; John Akers had planned to bring outside investors into some of the decentralised IBM units such as AdStar and Pennant Systems , and was planning to sell some of them outright .
23 Certainly , within time , group equilibrium or balance will return , but there are many occasions when the cost of the group 's disequilibrium is greater than the cost of not removing that member .
24 This last month , the Bavarians have been going through the painful experience of learning that , where an historic collection is concerned , it is the whole which is greater than the parts , and no saving of individual items can make up for the erosion of that whole .
25 Furthermore , the number of different sounds ( phonemes ) used in English speech is greater than the number of letters used in handwriting , adding further complexity to the recognition of speech .
26 The meaning of a connected set of sentences is greater than the sum of their individual meanings .
27 It is argued in [ 110 ] that Euclid 's fifth axiom ( The whole is greater than the part ) was included specifically to eliminate from mathematics the paradoxes ( c. 450 BC ) of the infinite introduced by Zeno
28 Or , finally , two events are cause and effect if the probability of the second event , given the first event and certain accompanying conditions , is greater than the probability of the second event , given those conditions but not the first event .
29 Accordingly , the marginal social cost of production is greater than the marginal ( private ) cost to the firm .
30 Its overall width is greater than the needs of the twentieth century but it was designed for moving herds of animals , not for the motor car .
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