Example sentences of "is clear that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 From this it is clear that Goldner and Hendrix are acutely aware not just of quality but also of rarity and of what will not be available again .
2 It is clear that consumerism — including self-advocacy and citizen-advocacy — is going to be an important component of community care in the future .
3 It is clear that Brown and Harris 's model of depression provides the most scope for preventive formulations , that it is the most complete model of depression available , and has been most systematically researched .
4 ‘ It is clear that Professor Wybran has been assassinated in cold blood because he was a Jew , ’ it said .
5 While we can not be certain about the precise structure it is clear that departments will have four main functions : assessment , purchasing of care , inspection of services and direct care provision ( Figure 8.2 ) .
6 In reply , Michael Hutchins , director of conservation and science for the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums , stated : ‘ It is clear that zoos must be concerned about animal-welfare issues .
7 The report ended enigmatically : ‘ a potential problem exists … it is clear that air pollution , particularly in the form of acidic deposition , is affecting many aspects of forest ecosystems in Britain and there is an obvious need for continued detailed monitoring . ’
8 But it is clear that companies should have a strategic approach to the issue just as they would with R&D .
9 ‘ It is clear that UK standards are the highest at the moment .
10 It is clear that signalling is one of the vital factors that , unfortunately , has contributed in the immediate past to several major accidents .
11 Even with only limited information , it is clear that auditing has taken on a new significance in many firms .
12 It is clear that Ministers are intent on a campaign of vilification and attack on Mr. Bruce Millan , the European Commissioner responsible for regional development .
13 It is difficult to see through the vagueness now surrounding the Government 's plans , but it is clear that ministers were both unprepared and unco-ordinated in their response to what MPs across the political divide detected as the stench of injustice .
14 A packed run of the ‘ The Wind in the Willows ’ at the National Theatre is drawing to a close , but it is clear that Alan Bennett has launched a new Christmas tradition in London .
15 In the context of claims for personal injuries , it is clear that ignorance of the law dissuades potential claimants from seeking advice , and most people only seek legal advice after first obtaining advice from other services , which may be ill-informed and thus cause a person with a claim not to pursue it .
16 It is clear that Britain is coming out of recession and confidence is returning … the green shoots of economic spring are appearing once again .
17 The only fruit of this plan , however , was the private publication in that month of the book 's central portion under the title " Socrates and Greek Tragedy " ; " and it is clear that Nietzsche continued to regard the book as one continuous work . "
18 Nevertheless , it is clear that charters were often important in determining ownership , as the quantity in which they were produced implies , and that boundary clauses could be taken very seriously .
19 From the outset it is clear that Alfieri is a highly intelligent man , and one who has been well educated .
20 It is clear that computer designers need the chemists ' understanding of the physical and chemical properties of silicon and the III-Vs and the rules under which they seem to operate at the atomic and molecular levels .
21 With ( 1 ) – ( 3 ) , it is clear that reference with he , she , or they is possible .
22 It is clear that firms are taking the regulatory regime seriously ; nearly all have taken steps to comply with audit regulations .
23 This requires a conscious effort , because it is clear that discrimination is more often unintentional than intentional .
24 From a large number of quantititative studies , it is clear that escape is very well predicted by certain patterns of behaviour .
25 It is clear that knowledge of how human sexual reproduction takes place is required by the attainment targets for science .
26 It is clear that TFT is an ESS ; TFT strategists , when playing each other , get the benefits of cooperation .
27 It is clear that Stratford will be a motorail terminal and a park-and-ride terminal .
28 It is clear that law centres have played a significant part in the provision of legal advice , but there are contrasting indications about their future wellbeing .
29 It takes a while to get used to the looks of the new car , but it is clear that Lotus is seeking to advance sports car design rather than just repeat past successes .
30 While the polemics of factory reform tended to publicise the most harrowing cases , it is clear that pauper children uprooted from distant institutions , lodged in dormitories and fed parsimoniously were perhaps the least protected group in eighteenth-century society .
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