Example sentences of "is now generally [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The initiatives are more examples of the topic based , ‘ one off ’ style of health education than of the sort of approach that is now generally advocated , which involves a comprehensive and coordinated programme of health education across the curriculum and throughout the school career .
2 In other words , the conviction of the Israelites that they were ‘ God 's chosen race ’ is now generally regarded by scholars as not greatly different from the fundamental belief on which the Sumerian and Babylonian city-states had been based , namely , that the king was divinely elected .
3 A passage in Bede 's account attributing responsibility as the author of the war to Aethelhere , is now generally regarded as corrupt , but Oethelwald 's support for Penda certainly implies a complexity of factors .
4 However , the parol evidence rule is now generally regarded merely as a rule of presumed intention ; it is therefore generally possible to avoid it if it can be shown that the written document was not intended to contain the whole of the parties ' agreement ( J Evans and Son ( Portsmouth ) Ltd v Andrea Merzario Ltd [ 1976 ] 1 WLR 1078 ) or that the written agreement was supplemented by a collateral agreement , either oral or in writing ( De Lasalle v Guildford [ 1901 ] 2 KB 215 ; Brikom Investments Ltd v Carr [ 1979 ] QB 467 ) .
5 It is now generally recognized that the attempt to analyse consciousness in terms of behaviour amounted to flying in the face of the facts .
6 It is now generally accepted that Frolik was a plant designed to waste MI5 's resources while important spies remained undetected and to sow seeds of distrust between MI5 and the CIA .
7 However , it is now generally accepted that β-thromboglobulin levels are elevated in diabetics ( Davis et al , 1979 ) and further evidence came from a large study of β-thromboglobulin and platelet factor 4 in diabetics compared to age- and sex-matched controls ( Betteridge et al , 1981 ) .
8 Using this method conflicting findings have been reported in studies of diabetic subjects ( Dollery et al , 1979 ; Davis et al , 1981 ) , and it is now generally accepted that there may be considerable non-specific interference in assaying this metabolite in plasma which might explain the different findings ( Greaves & Preston , 1982 ; Dollery et al , 1983 ) .
9 It is now generally accepted that this meeting was the first step on the unpremeditated road which led to the establishment of the London Veterinary College .
10 It is now generally accepted that nurture — the environment in which a child grows up — is a more important factor than heredity when it comes to the intelligence of the resulting adult human being .
11 It is now generally accepted that , about a lightyear from the Sun , far beyond the orbit of Pluto , there is a belt of at least 10 million comets , collectively known as the Oort Cloud , after the great Dutch astronomer Ian Oort .
12 This account is now generally accepted , although some historians still suggest that Elizabeth herself would have preferred to have reintroduced the 1549 Prayer Book , had she been able to enlist any support for this move from her lay and clerical advisers at court .
13 For a variety of reasons this type of explanation must be rejected today and the explosive diversification of Metazoa across the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary , as recorded in the strata , is now generally accepted as being a true reflection of what actually happened ( Stanley , 1976 ; Seilacher , 1977 ) .
14 It is now generally accepted that there is a division of labour within the brain , with different parts of the brain carrying out different functions .
15 It is now generally accepted that Jesus 's mother was the sister of Elizabeth , the mother of John .
16 It is now generally accepted that words prefixed by pett or pit ( similar to the Welsh and Cornish peth for ‘ thing ’ or ‘ piece ’ ) are of Pictish origin , as in places such as Pitlochry ( ‘ stony share ’ ) and Pittenweem ( ‘ share of the cave ’ ) .
17 It does however underline what is now generally accepted , that motivation and attitudes — the affective dimension — ire as important , if not more so , than intellectual aspects in learning to read .
18 Origin of Wings and Flight — It is now generally accepted that wings arose , perhaps in the early Devonian , as lateral expansions of the thoracic terga ( Hamilton , 197 z ) .
19 The low-energy predictions of this theory are in such good agreement with observation that the theory is now generally accepted , even though we have not yet reached the energy at which the unification should take place .
20 It is now generally accepted that the universe evolves according to well-defined laws .
21 He produced works of precise scholarship , especially bibliographical works and studies of painting , and he applied his historical skills to the Dead Sea scrolls , identifying the Qumran sect with the Zealots against the generally proposed Essene identification that is now generally accepted ( 1958 , 1965 ) .
22 The persistence of long-term structural unemployment is now generally accepted , albeit not explicitly stressed , by politicians , planners and government ministries .
23 We will not assign these spectra in detail , but it is now generally accepted that the ruthenium complex has three units held together only by metal-metal bonding , whereas the iron complex has bridging CO ligands , as well as many terminal ones .
24 There is a rich variety of different forecasting procedures , and it is now generally accepted that no one method is ‘ best ’ in every situation , but rather that the choice depends on various practical considerations .
25 It is now generally accepted in most European and North American universities , that the candidate for a doctorate degree will provide the university with a written document as a record of work undertaken , whether research or otherwise , during the course of his or her studies .
26 The term ‘ inflammatory fibroid polyp ’ is now generally accepted and is regarded as distinct from eosinophilic gastroenteritis and other conditions with which it had been previously confused .
27 It is now generally accepted that FAP is fully penetrant ( polyps are present ) if the bowel is examined endoscopically .
28 It is now generally accepted in Scottish Education that the above view of the purpose of assessment ( i.e. in order to grade pupils ' performance ) is a limited one and is not the most conducive to the education of the majority of pupils .
29 It is now generally applied to those who have neglected themselves over a long period of time or when a person has become seriously ill but is refusing hospital admission .
30 In the contemporary social sciences the term ‘ elite ’ is now generally applied to functional or occupational groups which have high status in a society , for whatever reason ( Bottomore , 1964 , p. 14 ) .
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