Example sentences of "is confine to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The blue-chip market is confined to a very limited number of names .
2 Richard Coles ( of The Communards ) has written an insipid score and Paul Heritage 's stilted direction is confined to a foursquare stage .
3 Although support for some of the liberal values is confined to a minority , it is a growing one .
4 His chapter on the post-1857 situation is confined to a charting exercise in which the context provided is often misleading ( married women 's participation in the labour market did not rise rapidly in the interwar years ) , and in which the facts are sometimes shaky ( not all working-class women were opposed to divorce in the early part of the century ; the Women 's Co-operative Guild gave evidence to the 1909 Royal Commission in favour of it ) .
5 At the eight-celled stage the yellow cytoplasm is confined to a pair of adjacent cells .
6 Today it remains rare and is confined to a limited area .
7 When his wife becomes pregnant , he is confined to a room in the cellar while her parents move in upstairs .
8 At present this is confined to a brief outline of the defendant 's breaches and the penalty imposed , but a working party will consider the possibility of issuing a full judgment outlining the facts alleged by the Investigation Committee , the member 's defence , the Disciplinary Committee 's findings and any mitigating circumstances ( see also p 25 ) .
9 Below : Even if your gardening space is confined to a grow-bag , you should still be able to cultivate a number of plants .
10 The suggestion that the opposition to the scheme is confined to a few people is rather misleading , as packed village meetings in Stanningfield and Lavenham , which voted to oppose the application , bear witness .
11 A plausible explanation is that a poloidal magnetic field draws cosmic-ray protons out of the plane before many have interacted with molecular gas , which is confined to a very thin layer ( 40pc thick ) .
12 Even though in the passage above Gummer undermines his own argument ( through his use of the phrase ‘ at least among the articulate ’ , he implies that this consensus is confined to a certain section of society ) it is crucial to his thesis that the changes to be identified under the rubric of permissiveness should be viewed against the backcloth of an alleged Victorian moral consensus .
13 If the outrage is confined to a few then the chances of success are small .
14 The rarest hornbill is almost certainly the Narcondam , which is confined to a 15km 2 island of that name and is being studied by S A Hussain of the Bombay Natural History Society .
15 For it is one of the most noticeable features of the " actually existing democracies " ( to adapt a useful phrase of Rudolf Bahro 's ) that the democratic principle is confined to a very few public institutions and many voluntary organizations , while a vast range of centrally important institutions continue to be run by largely unaccountable and unelected oligarchies and individual autocrats .
16 First we shall assume that the current density is confined to a thin wire in which case the integration variable may be changed
17 He is confined to a wheelchair , can not speak , and can only move x number of fingers ( where x seems to vary from one to three , according to which inaccurate article the reviewer read about me ) .
18 Sensitivity is confined to a special phase .
19 It can also be asked whether the influence of a factor is confined to a particular ‘ sensitive period ’ .
20 This exploratory study is confined to a form of 500 employees , which include professional and craft workers ( largely male ) , and semi-skilled assembly workers ( largely female ) .
21 One possibility might then have been a link-up with the Sumed pipeline across Egypt from the other side of the Red Sea to Alexandria , but the evidence for this is confined to a report in MEW on 25 March 1985 and the Aqaba project was never implemented anyway .
22 The method can cover the complete range of moduli encountered in polymeric systems but is confined to a relatively narrow frequency range of 0.01 to 10 Hz .
23 This can only be true for those speakers who are more or less monostylistic and " basilectal " : in other words , those whose repertoire is confined to a variety of Creole which is almost maximally different from Standard English .
24 Today Bob is visiting Clinton Tanner , a tetraplegic who is confined to a wheelchair and has little use of his hands following an accident when he dived into a swimming pool .
25 She is confined to a wheelchair and her sight is badly impaired .
26 She also suffers from associated internal problems and is confined to a wheelchair .
27 His wife Pauline is confined to a wheelchair .
28 Contemporary perceptions continue to be reflected in historical writing : thus Robert Gray 's valuable study of the " skilled workers " in Edinburgh is confined to an all-male sample ; no dressmakers for instance are included , and he refers only in passing to women compositors .
29 The investor 's right of action under section 62 is confined to an action for damages .
30 Assuming that a target company is confined to an authority of 10 per cent it will be seen that the directors of the target and their concert parties will need to hold at least 27 per cent before the buy-in to hold 30 per cent afterwards and thereby trigger a Rule 9 obligation .
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