Example sentences of "is deputy [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That important point is well argued in an article in ’ Justice of the Peace ’ by Mr. T. G. Moore , who is deputy clerk to the justices in Nottingham .
2 He is Deputy Chairman of TSB Group , Chairman of The Medical Research Council , a non-executive Director of Cable & wireless and a Governor and Deputy Chairman of BUPA .
3 Mr Wrigglesworth is deputy chairman of Middlesbrough-based engineer Livingstone Group that includes Northern Machine Tools , and Darlington engineer DFN within its operations .
4 He is deputy chairman of the dominant Movement for a Democratic Slovakia ( HZDS ) , the party whose vigorous campaign for Slovak independence hastened Czechoslovakia 's partition into separate Czech and Slovak states on 1 January .
5 Though there is no Deputy Prime Minister , George Brown is Deputy Leader of the Parliamentary Labour Party and will therefore have Harold 's Party responsibilities .
6 Coun Popple represents the Acklam ward and is deputy leader of the Conservative group on the council .
7 is deputy manager of the department and , in addition to normal deputising duties , is responsible for the production of monthly membership statistics and management accounts , also assisting in the preparation of budgets .
8 William Wallace is deputy director of the Royal Institute of International Affairs .
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