Example sentences of "is impossible for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Since no man is an island it is impossible for him not to ‘ participate in the Hi sā that the very existence of society involves . ’
2 This means that the worst score a Forest Goblin can get on the ‘ Eadbangerz Chart is 2 ( ‘ I fink I 'm gon na … ’ ) and it is impossible for him to ‘ Eadbang .
3 But it is impossible for him in his findings not to interpret events .
4 At first he wants nothing more than a quick lay with a pretty maid , then wants her to be his mistress , then is able to admit to himself that he loves her , but the idea of marriage across the social barrier is impossible for him .
5 Bankers retaliate by pointing out that accountants ' advice is invariably based on historic record rather than future possibility , and that it is impossible for them to give impartial advice if they have been auditing their clients ' books over the past years .
6 It should be pointed out once again that those feminists who say that , on account of the male symbolism , Christianity is impossible for them , are not thereby necessarily ‘ anti-men ’ .
7 Some diets may emerge so hard that it is impossible for them to be eaten by weanling mice .
8 mainly in those areas which concern women ; it is impossible for them to disappear from one day to the next .
9 If the mud flats freeze over , it is impossible for them to find sufficient food .
10 Reforms aimed at refashioning the welfare state , so that it acts as a floor on which the underclass can build by their own efforts , rather than a ceiling through which it is impossible for them to pass , are considered in Part IV .
11 They need those decision structures because it is impossible for them to know enough to control activities directly .
12 Although this review has so far concentrated on those findings which reveal most clearly opposite visual hemifield superiorities for verbal and non-verbal ( especially visuo-spatial ) stimuli it is impossible for one familiar with work in this field not to be struck by the lability of the laterality effects reported ( Cohen , 1982 ) .
13 The Bishop quotes , with approval , G. Bennett on spider webs : It is impossible for one who has watched the work for many hours to have any doubt that neither the present spiders of this species nor their ancestors were ever the architects of the web or that it could conceivably have been produced step by step through random variation ; it would be as absurd to suppose that the intricate and exact proportions of the Parthenon were produced by piling together bits of marble .
14 But was she trying to confuse the plot by saying : ‘ I know that it is impossible for me to win four Grand Slam tournaments this year . ’
15 She wrote to him quite sharply , not caring who read her letter , that : — it is impossible for me to post a gun as you ought to know you foolish man for what would the post office officials think were I to turn up with a gun to send ?
16 I am saving up a full account until our return , for it is impossible for me to give it in writing .
17 But it is impossible for me not to feel that my body is other than I , that I inhabit it like a house , and that my face is a mask which , with or without my consent , conceals my real nature from others . ’
18 It is impossible for me not to be absolutely certain of it .
19 According to his account to the House of Commons , Baldwin replied : ‘ Sir , that is most grievous news , and it is impossible for me to make any comment on it today . ’
20 A.I 'm afraid it is impossible for me to guess what was wrong with your Ram .
21 It is impossible for me , for reasons of space , to do more than summarise the most relevant parts of the judgments of the Supreme Court of Canada .
22 It is impossible for me to work the way I want to work when she is on the stage . ’
23 Compton Mackenzie truly said that while it is easy for a woman to behave like a man , it is impossible for her to behave like a gentleman .
24 Precisely for this reason it is impossible for us to have an ideal plan .
25 It is impossible for us to know exactly what circumstances combine to bring these extreme rarities to the islands : after breeding in north-eastern Siberia , they should be on their way to Manchuria for the winter .
26 It is impossible for us to appreciate the impact of this dramatic change amongst people who for more than 40 years had been rigorously controlled by a centrally planned economy , implemented by a national and local bureaucracy .
27 It is impossible for us to understand the conclusion , then , without realizing that it is false .
28 Indeed it is impossible for us to imagine a social system operated by human beings which was not ordered by language ; human culture , as we know it , could not have been invented by a society of deaf mutes .
29 yet without answers to these questions and others like them , it is impossible for us fully to understand our own history and , more importantly , impossible to advise today 's emergent nations on the routes they should be following .
30 I am not arguing therefore that metaphors should not change , but that it is impossible for us to change them organically unless we understand them in the first place .
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