Example sentences of "for [pron] seemed [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was as usual training his sights exclusively on the goal currently in view , in this case the unification of South Africa , the kindergarten campaign for which seemed at that moment to require a concession to Afrikaner racial prejudice .
2 When Albert missed the child most urgently , the refusal of money for him seemed like a moral tactic to take him away forever .
3 ‘ Joan , when I departed for Ludlow , it was with a heavy heart — for it seemed to me we had only just found each other , ’ Edward told her .
4 Unfortunately , the price of cattle fell from £5 a head to £1 a head shortly after this arrangement was made , and the Masai found themselves being asked to pay more and more for what seemed to them to be less and less — for some of the waterworks had already begun to fail .
5 It included a house in the tiny seaside village of Cramer , which clung low to the land in an attempt to avoid the rough seas and wild winds that buffeted the coast for what seemed to Nora most of the year .
6 Omar said the rocks continued to thud against her body for what seemed to be an interminable time .
7 Margaret Irwin cited it as another process from which women were excluded for what seemed to her good reason : " It requires both muscular strength and a certain " knack " .
8 He remained silent for what seemed to be an eternity , and she turned away with a strangled sob .
9 I lay there for what seemed like an eternity and feeling in a sort of panic .
10 We lay still for what seemed like ages , my eyes were riveted to the figures lying in the road .
11 I remember digging for what seemed like hours to lift those bulbs , so make sure you plant them where they will not need to be moved and allow ample room for their growth .
12 Endill did not move for what seemed like a long time .
13 We went on for what seemed like hours and still none of us understood .
14 When I arrived at the Demob Centre , I sat around in a bare hall for what seemed like a couple of hours , with two or three hundred other Waafs , and we stared at each other without interest .
15 It was natural , but unreasonable , to feel guilt for what seemed like a failure in duty , rather than feel thankful for the years of unremitting and unselfish care that they had been able to give .
16 I watched with my breath held tight for what seemed like hours , but then I panicked , and let go .
17 They sat there for what seemed like hours , although it was only minutes .
18 The men stood and stared at the abandoned Glory for what seemed like hours .
19 MacLachlan , victor of eight combats over the island , was fortunate to come down on Malta itself , rather than in the sea : ‘ For what seemed like hours I hung there , apparently motionless , with Malta still as far away as ever .
20 I lay on the bed for what seemed like hours , sweating and totally helpless , trying to will myself to move .
21 Later , two men took me into a corner and fired questions at me for what seemed like ages , but can only have been about half an hour .
22 Another time , Swan flew through the night for what seemed like hours and hours until they came at last to a gigantic opening in the earth 's surface , a sort of huge gaping hole in the ground , and Swan glided slowly round and round above this massive crater and then right down into it .
23 Gone are the days when a South African lock will rise like a Saturn Five , defying gravity for what seemed like an eternity , to pluck the ball two-handed and present it to the lucky scrum-half .
24 I got back to work , by which I mean that I got my papers and notes out , and then sat looking at them for what seemed like a dreary lifetime , and was really probably only twenty minutes .
25 At the lip he stopped and hung there , assessing the upward view for what seemed like an age .
26 It was a male MP who first drew attention to this unlikely cause for concern : he noticed , on a night out , that when men went to the toilet , it took just a minute or so , while women were left queuing for what seemed like hours .
27 without rain for what seemed like a month .
28 Shoved into a seatette by a hostess who had been trained not to calm and charm passengers but to harm them and occasionally embalm them , I quickly settled into what would become my life for what seemed like more than a lifetime .
29 They had barely spoken for what seemed like years .
30 For what seemed like an eternity both of them were suspended in mid-air , filthy fumes pouring into the carriage from inside the tunnel .
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