Example sentences of "for [pron] [Wh pn] knows " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But I 'm writing a report for someone who knows the background , the jargon and the problem .
2 Loss of earnings and career prospects can be a serious matter for someone who knows that she is going to have to support herself for many years after her parents have gone ; and unless the home in which they are living is owned by them , and left to her in their will , she is also going to have to provide accommodation for herself when they die .
3 I am even going to give you some , which I should not do for someone who knows nothing about wine . ’
4 ‘ For gosh sake , for somebody who knows the human anatomy inside and out , you 're awfully prim , Charity .
5 It is , however , a fascinating tale and provides the explanation for one who knows the area well as to why the LNER was able to establish a toehold in a region when the Great Western and LMS constituents held sway .
6 It could be dangerous for anybody who knows . ’
7 However , for anyone who knows what the expression the Derby means , it would almost certainly have been more informative to tag the time of utterance as Derby Day , 80 .
8 Detectives are appealing for anyone who knows anything about the matter or who may have seen the lorry to contact CID at Bessbrook , tel 838222 , immediately .
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