Example sentences of "was waiting for she " in BNC.

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1 He was waiting for her in the lounge .
2 She was taken to Queens ' Building detention centre at the airport where Aszal was waiting for her .
3 Maybe there was some difficulty about Lilian 's dress or he was waiting for her to get back from the hairdresser 's .
4 A very straight military-type man was waiting for her when she reached her own pigeon-hole , which she shared with her assistant ( off sick ) .
5 When Sally got off the bus he was waiting for her , leaning against the bonnet , smoking a cigarette and looking more than ever the dashing young man-about-town .
6 Jonadab was waiting for her at the stair bottom .
7 When Ruth called yet again at the post office a letter was waiting for her .
8 Brian was waiting for her when she returned to her room , a room which was soon to fill with flowers .
9 Bodie was waiting for her as she trotted down the steps from the Centre , bag slung over one shoulder , slim body dressed in a bright blouse and pleated skirt .
10 It took a long time because Louise kept interrupting with questions that Constance could n't answer and which seemed irrelevant beside the tremendous fact that Ludovico was waiting for her and she longed to run to him .
11 Uncle Alfred was waiting for her at the entrance to the nest when she arrived .
12 The manager was waiting for her at the desk , deftly fidgeting with a half-stuffed peregrine falcon .
13 Sure enough , Margaret was waiting for her , about twenty yards past the school gates .
14 Jasper was waiting for her .
15 Daak was waiting for her beyond the next upright .
16 She ran in front of him , head high , as though someone important was waiting for her .
17 The Nazi was waiting for her when she arrived ; lovingly fingering several lengths of rope which he 'd meticulously arranged in coils on the floor .
18 She prayed that Julie was waiting for her .
19 The young woman shook her head and steeped the cloth on Sycorax 's brow again , and bent closer , keeping her mind focused on her song , for she knew that someone was at her back , at the opening of her cabin , beyond the screen of rushes that stood there , and he was waiting for her .
20 ‘ And Spain was a cosy hideaway for our export villains ; ergo , her boyfriend was waiting for her to join him on the Costa del Crook . ’
21 Miss Adeane agreed that she would , hurrying back to St Jude 's with a shout of triumph in her heart , to find that Odette and Liam had gone out and that Daniel Carey was waiting for her .
22 He was waiting for her outside and they walked up the hill a little way ; then she noticed the garage , stuck back a bit into the foliage , and the car inside it .
23 He turned eyes hard with disgust on Dana , and Claudia was n't at all surprised when her sister mumbled that Garry was waiting for her in a café in the main street .
24 But when she opened the door of her room he was waiting for her .
25 Indoors , the afternoon post was waiting for her .
26 She put down the receiver , feeling much happier , and even enjoyed the lukewarm haddock that was waiting for her in the kitchen .
27 Without saying anything further , he shifted his enormous shoulders more comfortably against the door-frame as though settled for the rest of the day , and moved his eyes to her mouth almost as though he was waiting for her to speak again , she thought , feeling thoroughly disgruntled .
28 Rune was waiting for her in the foyer as she stepped out of the lift .
29 Suppose if Rune Christensen was waiting for her ?
30 No doubt he was waiting for her in the foyer , champing at her non-appearance .
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