Example sentences of "was put down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This was put down to a ‘ Fichtesterben ’ , or progressive spruce death , but a year later it appeared in other species too , such as beech , oak and the mountain ash , and foresters grew alarmed .
2 This was put down to his experiences in Vienna and the intense strain of his life after leaving school .
3 Any strange or inexplicable behaviour , both in humans and in the natural world , was put down to some supernatural sixth sense .
4 At the girls ' establishment where she had been sent at huge expense to learn music and French and to carry out the ornate disciplines conceived by the headmistress — including communal teeth-washing in the gardens , winter and summer , and then communal gargling into the rosebeds , which the headmistress regarded as a form of manure-spreading — the pain was put down to growing too fast .
5 But after the first year , everyone who came below twentieth in the class was put down to the B stream .
6 ( See table 12.1 ) The Democrat President Carter had great difficulty in getting even his most basic requests through a Congress controlled during 1977–80 by 2:1 Democratic majorities , a failure that was put down to Carter 's unwillingness and/or inability to bargain and deal with members of Congress .
7 The change was put down to the fact that , since the act was only brought in in 1986 , it had taken time for its effects to come through .
8 The urgency to complete it was put down to US pressure to achieve a result in time for the opening of the Republican Party convention on Aug. 17 , apparently in an attempt to boost the troubled election campaign of President George Bush by convincing the US electorate that his skills in the foreign policy field had domestic benefits .
9 The arrival in the town of what was described as ‘ massive police reinforcements ’ was put down to the possibility of demonstrations by blacks against Wullie Robertson 's Young Conservatives .
10 He says we were told one of them was very badly deformed — but we were never told why — I wondered if that was put down to the tests .
11 The Prince pulled out after aggravating a back strain playing polo but the Queen Mother 's surprise absence was put down to her age by Royal aides .
12 The 1925 Druze rebellion in Lebanon and Syria was put down with great brutality and with the help of gangs of Armenian gunmen who had been armed by the French in order to attack the rebels .
13 Again , the Morant Bay rising in Jamaica in 1865 was put down with savage majesty by Governor Eyre — 600 men , women and children indiscriminately massacred , many more hundreds executed , and a thousand homes burned to the ground — as Eyre 's troops went on a three-week orgy of hanging , torture , flogging and rape .
14 I was put down at Whitcross , a crossroads on the moor , after travelling for two days in the coach .
15 To drain the works in the soles of Fleming 's Level , a pumping and winding sump was put down at the intersection with the cross-cut and it is believed that power for this was by hand .
16 The last such mutiny was put down at Burford on the thirteenth of May , 1649 , by Cromwell in person .
17 Er , what I would like to propose the erm a a that resolution two of course , was put down at the time it had to be put down er , and is clearly going to be affected by , that it happened at the th the financial services in March and what I have suggested is that you might prefer this be a a a second resolution it is or and turn to the to add on the end of that resolution thus urging local churches to through their consultations with district treasurers and finance committee to increase their contributions to the Ministry of Mission Fund in nineteen ninety three in such a way that provincial commi , commitment may be increased by at least five percent over the nineteen ninety two .
18 Er because the pit bottom was lit up and it meant going down into the dark , an exciting thought for a young fella , er and so off I went and I was put down on one of the faces , as a lad , and said , Right lad , you want to be collier ?
19 A " counter-revolutionary armed rebellion " by " a small number of ruffians … under the cloak of religion " was put down on April 5-6 in Baren , near Kashgar in Xinjiang .
20 Another £100.000 was put down for the National Union of Journalists , despite its clear and well-known policy of not investing in newspapers because of the inevitable conflict of interest in its role as champion of higher wages for journalists .
21 It was not until the end of the 18th century that the first bottle of claret as we now know it was put down for ageing at the famous Chateau Lafite in 1797 .
22 ‘ Bill ’ , weighed an astonishing 1,157.5 kg just before he was put down after suffering a broken leg in an accident en route to the Chicago World Fair for exhibition in 1933 . ’
23 Her pony Strawberry was put down after breaking a leg , and its replacement Jamie proved unsuitable for Alison , who has rheumatoid arthritis .
24 He was put down in the spare bedroom with the blinds closed against the sun , and Jim sat with him telling him stories until he fell asleep .
25 I was told that in the early days of tape , three weeks ' work in Europe was wiped when , as the White Cliffs of Dover came into sight , the bag containing them was put down in front of the rotating aerial .
26 They never fundamentally question the nature of their political system , which has successfully maintained their small elite in power since the last popular rebellion was put down in 1932 .
27 Thanks to this initiative , the attempted rising was put down in Madrid and Barcelona , though not without excesses and vandalism which did considerable harm to the Republican cause .
28 The uprising was put down by the action of the police and the army , and an unknown number of people were killed , among them Muhammadu Marwa Maitatsine , leader of the fanatical sect which was at the centre of the trouble .
29 In Virginia , dependence on a one-crop export trade led to trouble : the price of tobacco continued to fall after Charles 's restoration , and thus was the main reason for Bacon 's rebellion in 1675 , which was put down by the government of the colony before royal troops arrived from England .
30 There was a lot of short-pitched bowling , with a vast array of slips and gullies , but Gooch ( 8 ) survived a low catch to Inzamam off Akram , and Stewart ( 14 ) was put down by the same fielder at full stretch off the same bowler when 14 .
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