Example sentences of "was to be held " in BNC.

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1 It was agreed that elections would be held in Zimbabwe , despite the activities of various black guerrilla forces led by Joshua Nkomo and Robert Mugabe , and a constitutional convention was to be held in London .
2 When Dixie Dean was on holiday in Ayr , he noticed that a professional sprint was to be held and entered it as an outsider and won ; he thereby not only demonstrated the outstanding athletic abilities of top footballers ( Matthews was also a fine athlete ) , but underlined the survival of the old pedestrian traditions at the new resorts catering for working-class holiday-makers .
3 13 Platoon had subsequently been tasked with providing the security for the funeral , which was to be held in a small village near Strabane .
4 ‘ Here ’ was the Buda , the restaurant where the great party was to be held , a long , low building , part of it pre-war , and with its outside liberally plastered with posters of a vastly hairy Karl Marx .
5 However , later David did come and see me to ask if his group could play on the school steps at the PTA fête which was to be held in the summer , so I suppose that was one of his first public engagements with his group .
6 My impression was that since it was to be held in London , Angela was doing the work , with a good deal of help from colleagues at Yeo Davis .
7 The sale was to be held in a large country house some eight miles away .
8 The order of events was the same each year : first , the bus or train ride to whatever town The Walk was to be held in ; then being stationed somewhere from which I could see the parade .
9 The wardenship was to be held by him , his wife , and his heirs by her , of the king and his heirs for ever : Brewer handed it over to him at Midsummer 1204 .
10 This all-time low was worsened by news of Lance Henly 's death but the much-loved man had bequeathed his gold watch to the Club which was to be held by the winner of the Lovell Bowl .
11 For another generation , this Covenant was to be held up as a model of political excellence within the Middle East , especially by the Western powers which gave it such approval but which did not have to suffer its consequences .
12 He was , however , appointed as one of the leaders of the stewards who were to control the DCAC 's first demonstration , which was to be held on 19 October :
13 Then he invited me to a gypsy baptism which was to be held that night in the suburb of Vallecas .
14 It was to be held at Swallow Hall , by kind invitation of Lt. Col. Robert Sawbridgeworth , a stately home some twelve miles away .
15 One evening at Pack Meeting Beegee , which was the name the Pack had made up for their Guider out of the initial letters B and G of Brownie Guider , told the Brownies that the County Girl Guides ' Fete was to be held in a few weeks ' time in Morley Park and that the 3rd Shortfields Pack must think what to do to help make the fete a huge success .
16 In 1631 it was granted afresh to his widow , Prudence , by King Charles I with the stipulation that a free market was to be held in the district weekly ‘ on the Sabbath day ’ ( ie on Saturdays ) — and Saturday is still the market day .
17 The tercentenary of the church in Cambridge where we met was to be held in June that year , and we looked forward eagerly to that reunion , and to another reunion in May with friends in the Lake District .
18 Wednesday , Thursday and Friday , 28th 29th and 30th August 1839 were the days on which the Tournament was to be held .
19 When I was fit and well I began thinking about making the relay team for the European Cup Final which was to be held in Moscow .
20 The limit to which the RCM was prepared to go in this matter was revealed in March 1939 , when Grunpeter was told that his salary was to be held to £2 a week , a sum ‘ which will make it impossible to continue my work at the camp as resident minister ’ .
21 The actual wedding was to be held the next day , and then Changez and Jamila would stay at the Ritz for a couple of nights .
22 In connection with the Festival of Britain Exhibition that was to be held at South Bank in 1951 , some major road works were carried out between Westminster Bridge and Waterloo Station , streets in that area being made ‘ one way ’ at the same time .
23 ( FCA ) of who had been found to be in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.32 in that in High Wycombe between 31 March 1989 and 14 June 1991 it failed to notify clients in writing of the amount and terms of commission received as a result of advice given to those clients and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 5.03 in that in High Wycombe between 31 March 1989 and 14 June 1991 it failed to give notice to its Bank that all money standing to the credit of its Investment Business Client Bank Account was to be held by the firm as a trustee or agent within the terms of the regulation was reprimanded , fined £l , 000 and ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
24 His hearse and coach hire depended on whether the funeral was to be held in town , ‘ on the stones ’ , or in the country .
25 The hearse took her to St Paul 's churchyard where the service was to be held .
26 Reitzenstein in particular pushed to its extreme limits a view , which was to be held by others in the following generation , notably Rudolf Bultmann , that the ideas of redemption displayed in the New Testament were in fact derived from pre-Christian gnostic mythology .
27 A Prussian musket bullet fluttered overhead to smack against a house wall that was smothered with posters advertising a fair , which was to be held on the feast day of St Peter and Paul .
28 Later reports from the IBM Corp annual meeting in Tampa , Florida on Monday stress the anger of shareholders that we forecast when we mentioned that the meeting was to be held in America 's retirement capital : ‘ IBM stock no longer provides for your old age , but it certainly hastens its arrival , ’ one irate shareholder told Louis Gerstner during the annual meeting ; some 2,300 shareholders , mostly elderly investors and current or former IBM employees , crowded into the Tampa Convention Center for the meeting .
29 Apart from the strong suspicion that the revenue officers of Wigtown were rather too closely associated with smuggling , their failure to determine at their first survey the proper quantity of dutiable iron imported by Bailie Hooks suggested a method of changing the composition of the town council when the vital election of a delegate to represent the burgh at the ensuing parliamentary election was to be held .
30 X/Open Co Ltd has abandoned plans for a European Xtra conference , which was to be held in Dusseldorf next month ( UX No 386 ) : it claims users expressed a preference for the Xtra Congress in Washington DC during the first week of December .
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