Example sentences of "was well into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Gramsci was well into the outskirts .
2 Cameron talked with Minerva , who was being magnanimously tolerant of her husband 's much-publicised affair with Nina Kenyon , and with Anne , who was well into the tertiary stage of her fourth marriage ( to Didier Bishopric , a society restaurateur ) and just back from the Betty Ford clinic after a spell of amphetamine dependency .
3 It was well into the afternoon by now , and Jackson was feeling the after-effects of a hastily bolted cheese sandwich at lunchtime .
4 Tasted in 1980 , the Fred Leroux 1920 still had a vigorous mousse , even if the palate was well into the ‘ cheesy ’ stage of old age .
5 But I wanted to be involved with a company who was well into the swing of tube amps and take it on from there , and so I started with Ampeg in 1990 . ’
6 It was well into the charter business 's low season , so the vast majority of Cutwater 's yachts had either gone north for the summer or were sitting on jackstands out of the water .
7 This seems strange to me now because I feel sure that if I had been presented with the image of the glass coffin when I was well into the depressive phase of anorexia , I should have recognised it instantly .
8 The Gulf crisis was well into the war phase before much thought was given to the postwar Middle East settlement .
9 It was well into the summer before the clang of the forge or the thud of mallet and axe meant anything other than repaired houses and fencing and barns : new scythes and spades instead of weapons ; new bridges and malt-vats , new sledges and jetties , new creels and baskets and thatching instead of new ships .
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