Example sentences of "was agree that the " in BNC.

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1 Accordingly it was agreed that the free-standing clock should be built very similar to the one John Ellicott made in 1740 , and featured on p. 288 in the standard reference work by Cescinsky & Webster , English Domestic Clocks .
2 It was agreed that the wife was the chatelaine par excellence .
3 On the nearside of the barrier , it was agreed that the existing facilities at Gibraltar , Malta and Cyprus would be adequate for the of British commitments on the southern flank of NATO and to the Baghdad Pact .
4 They insisted their four colleges have a spirit which was ‘ practical rather than academical ’ although it was agreed that the 254 places provided in the colleges were not enough by the end of the century .
5 It was agreed that the Iraqis should fill the bunker with concrete as a cheaper alternative to blowing it up .
6 for example , it was agreed that the District should have its own office and Jacques quickly negotiated the lease of rooms at Cambridgeshire House in Hills Road ; an arrangement which extended over thirty years until the transfer to the existing and more appropriate premises at Botolph House .
7 In 1984 , the Court of Session in Edinburgh ( Hay/Briton against Central Regional Council ) refused a 53 year old grandmother custody or access to her six year old grandchild , though it was agreed that the ‘ most significant relationship ’ the child had was with this grandmother .
8 With this in mind , it was agreed that the staff of Sales and Promotion Department should be increased by one .
9 It was agreed that the SAS would carry out a series of raids on these airfields in early July , leaving only a week to prepare for departure .
10 It was agreed that the growing diversity of pressures upon schools made it difficult for them to adapt intelligently and consistently .
11 Councillors said that the cost of such a project would be prohibitive , but it was agreed that the chairman , Roy Downham , should attend a meeting with the school .
12 In the early stages of the internal follow-up review , it was agreed that the proposed hybrid system ( ie making use of microfilm supported by a computer index ) , rather than reduce duplication of documents , would tend to encourage it .
13 ‘ Attention was called to the Company 's payment of £50 per annum to the Vicar of Stantonbury for managing these schools , seeing that they are about to be handed over to a School Board and it was agreed that the payment be continued as in respect of Sunday School management , but during the pleasure of the Board and to the present incumbent only ’ .
14 It was agreed that the face of the medal should show the head of Coleman , and the first awards were made that year .
15 This was discussed at length with Janet , after which it was agreed that the therapist would see her for the next 2 months at fortnightly intervals and that no more than one telephone call per week would be acceptable .
16 He returned it to the Society and it was agreed that the arrow would be retained from then on as the Papingo Trophy , with each winner adding a gold or silver medal bearing his name and the year of his success .
17 It was agreed that the new pole , a seventy foot fir from Hull , should stand on the site of the old one .
18 However it was agreed that the setting up of programmes could bring many benefits to a parish if it was seen as a partnership between priests and people .
19 It was agreed that the statement should come from the White House , with immediate confirmation in London .
20 It was agreed that the GPs would be notified of the scheme and sent a copy of my parameters of practice , enabling me to see their patients .
21 In the correspondence arising therefrom , it was agreed that the next sixteen cars which the South Metropolitan Co. would require should be of a smaller type , making a saving of £58 per car .
22 It was agreed that the receivers ' first duty was to the secured creditors .
23 The Provisional IRA named the Andersonstown Co-Operative and two private building construction firms and it was agreed that the work would be in the Provisional-controlled Maynard Estate .
24 It was agreed that the choice was between May-June or the autumn .
25 In this area it was agreed that the new four-year planning cycle necessitates sections meeting between ICM .
26 Later that year , it was agreed that the rating and valuation Bill should be opposed .
27 The Society was agreed that the way forward lay in a comprehensive purge of all elements — innocent or not — who might presently be tampering , or tempted to tamper , with rituals intended to gain access to so-called Reconciled Dominions .
28 In planning this report it was agreed that the analyses would cover both total malignant disease around Sellafield and also several individual diagnostic groups .
29 Moves towards the demonetization of gold went further when , under the second amendment to the articles of agreement in Jamaica in 1976 , it was agreed that the IMF should dispose of one-third of its gold holdings .
30 It was agreed that the paper should be redrafted and circulated , and that any published statements of policy should make it clear Conservatives ‘ did not believe additional resources alone to be the answer to law and order problems , but that the humanizing of our society had an important contribution to make ’ .
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