Example sentences of "is [adv] [vb pp] today " in BNC.

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1 This belief , though not taught in the Old Testament , was widely held in the Jewish constituency among whom Paul worked : it is widely believed today that if only you try hard and do your best , God will accept you at the last .
2 This system may exploit water at temperatures of between 60 degrees centigrade and 12 degrees centigrade and is widely used today in France , USSR , Hungary , Iceland and many other locations .
3 Involvement of the spermatic cord , epididymis , or testis by infection can lead to sterility , but , again , this complication was much more common before the last World War and is rarely seen today .
4 This unnatural practice is rarely seen today .
5 The Chicago Civil Aviation Conference of 1944 is rarely discussed today , but it established the forms and organizations that have governed postwar civil aviation to this day .
6 That housing is unequally distributed today is obvious to all .
7 That his name is scarcely known today is a testament to the power of the amateur establishment to make a professional an ‘ unperson ’ .
8 The Pedrarias expedition , as it is generally called today , left Spain with 2,000 men in April 1514
9 It is generally believed today that hyperinflations can be avoided by the maintenance of a reasonable degree of control over the supply of money .
10 The use of either cendres-noires or organic manure is generally preferred today , but in the past the most popular fertiliser has been the boues de ville , quite literally , town refuse .
11 His infant son 's personal companion , Sir David Lindsay , was made Lyon King of Arms and carried out major diplomatic missions , but is best remembered today for his wry attacks on the corrupt and greedy nobles in Ane Satyre of the Thrie Estates .
12 He is best known today for his early friendships with the Impressionist elite of Renoir , Fantin-Latour , Manet , Cézanne and Monet ( with whom he shared a studio for a time and discussed the possibility of organising an exhibition of their friends ' works by the official salon ) .
13 Henry is best known today for the series of public contests of poetic invective in which he engaged with his student Michael the Cornishman [ q.v. ]
14 A new respect for craftsmanship and for traditional skills and handicrafts imbued the art world in the late 19th century , encouraged largely by John Ruskin , the eminent art critic , and by William Morris , the poet , designer and Socialist pioneer whose philosophy inspired the Arts and Crafts movement , and who is best known today , perhaps , for his wallpaper designs .
15 By the end of the ninth century many Hellenistic scientific and technological works had been translated into Arabic , including Ptolemy 's great astronomical book Syntaxis , which is usually known today by its Arabic title The Almagest .
16 ( A very similar evolutionary typology is still employed today , as we shall see , by one school of contemporary American anthropologists . )
17 Bothwell carried Mary off again , this time to Borthwick castle , a dark tower house in Midlothian south of Edinburgh which is still inhabited today .
18 He united their clans and established an expanding kingdom around the former Gallo-Roman city of Durocortorum : once the capital of the Gaulish tribe of Remi , the city is still commemorated today by its name Reims .
19 By the early thirteenth century the material becomes more relevant : ‘ Johannes de Erleia positus est loco Asciline matris sue optulit see iiij die versus Robertum de Juvenni de placito medietis tocius terre quam Robertus tenet de terra que fuit Radulfi de Insula … ‘ is a typical entry in a roll , and includes at least one name which is still found today — Erleigh ( Erlé ) — in the area to which the roll refers ; the name probably means ‘ eagle wood ’ .
20 Other able practitioners of homoeopathy in America were Allen , Nash , Boenninghausen and Boericke — all of whom added to the homoeopathic literature and whose work is still used today by students of homoeopathy .
21 The same concoction is still used today for treatment of dropsy , a disease where excess fluid collects in the body tissues .
22 This division of the contents of the universe into matter and forces is still used today .
23 The word is still used today , of course , to describe something desirable to which political refugees are entitled .
24 This is the man behind it all , Ralph Reader , a successful composer in the thirties who agreed to write songs for the scouts to perform and his material is still used today .
25 The wicker industry began in Camacha , where it is still concentrated today .
26 They brought with them a number of French country traditions , such as the boucherie ( preserving hogs by a process of salting and smoking ) , a tradition which is still continued today .
27 This callous view of suffering which smacks strongly of the protestant ethic ( epitomized in the complacent exhortation : God helps those who help themselves ) has a very familiar ring and is clearly seen today in the attitudes towards the mentally ill held by all but the most enlightened members of western societies .
28 As with all COBUILD materials , the emphasis is on English as it is really used today , drawing on the evidence of the COBUILD corpus devised by Professor John Sinclair 's English Language Research team in the University 's School of English .
29 Ashton 's ordinance for setting up Shrewsbury School is often quoted today for its specification that the building should include " a library and a gallery for the said school , furnished with all manner of books , maps , spheres , instruments of astronomy arid all things appertaining to learning . "
30 In the case of Baudrillard , this appears to have been a self-fulfilling prophecy , and he is mainly quoted today within the avant-garde arts , where he is indeed very much in vogue ( Frankovits ed. 1984 ) .
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