Example sentences of "is [adj] to look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is a deep sense of untimeliness about the death of a child and whereas , as we have seen in an earlier chapter , it is possible to look on some deaths as timely and part of the natural rhythm of life , when a child is involved this does not seem to be so .
2 So it is possible to look for ways of ordering our responses to technology and resource allocation in a morally responsible way ; and , being possible , it is our duty to do so .
3 These two groups of animals are quite unrelated , but both still have living representatives in the oceans , and so it is possible to look at living animals to help with the interpretation of fossil examples .
4 It is odd — one of the anomalies of science — that it is possible to look at a single entity as if it were either one thing or another , apparently quite different thing .
5 With our modern use of words it is possible to look at God 's statement in Genesis 2:18 — ‘ It is not good for the man to be alone .
6 Armour-plated like giant turtles , humped and unruly and gashed with ferocious battle scars , yet in other places so biscuit-thin that it is possible to look at distant landscapes or clouds through the pierced form of a perforation in the ridge ( rather like one of Henry Moore 's outdoor sculptures ) .
7 As far as politics is concerned , it is possible to look at those who are deliberately attempting to construct their own ideological cameras .
8 If anyone is disposed to look for a golden lining in the effects of Typhoon Thelma — which , in November , killed about 7,000 people on the islands of Leyte and Negros in the central Philippines — it might be the resulting national outrage against illegal logging .
9 So , although we may wish that the monster would stop sprouting new heads , it is entertaining to look at some of the blind alleys of the past , most of which were investigated quite seriously at the time .
10 But it is foolish to look for great intellectual nourishment from a parasite , just as it would be to expect the delicacies of romantic love in the company of a hired prostitute .
11 I confirm that the Committee is free to look into all those matters .
12 It is interesting to look at how the more extreme case is explained .
13 With this explanation in mind , it is interesting to look at the accuracy of recall of clause ( 1 ) in the two conditions .
14 It is interesting to look in some more detail at what some of these factors were .
15 It is impossible to look at any of their actions during the past three years without seeing that they are carrying Home Rule at the dictation of the Nationalist party , but that in order that Home Rule may be carried they are turning up everything in the country .
16 When dealing with the paranormal or supernatural , it is easy to look for rational explanations , but logical reasoning can not always explain the strange events that occur in people 's lives .
17 It is instructive to look at where recent silks have come from .
18 However , as we have seen earlier in relation to corporal punishment , it is instructive to look at the ‘ small print ’ in his writings .
19 Nevertheless , it is instructive to look at why , for example , Thomas Aquinas thought that women could not be ordained ( for his views have clearly been highly influential in the Catholic tradition ) .
20 It is instructive to look at some particular examples , because they show that the simple economic case for pricing turns out to be only part of the story .
21 Still , it is instructive to look at how she has constructed this form of speech approximating to JC , and with what degree of success .
22 The impact upon investment appraisal will be left until chapter 6 , but it is appropriate to look at the effect upon costing here .
23 For example , if the adult holds an object , such as a doll , in the child 's line of gaze , the child is likely to look at the object and then immediately glance at the adult 's face to check that they are looking at the same thing .
24 Given the time it takes to write and then publish a book , our apparently insatiable appetite for the stuff causes real problems : the satirical observation conceived now is likely to look at best , a little tired , and , at worst , incomprehensible , in twelve to eighteen months ' time .
25 The heroine of the forties is likely to look like Rita Hayworth ; by the sixties she is close to Audrey Hepburn ; and in the seventies , Julie Christie .
26 ‘ in this notoriously difficult area it is customary to look for analogies .
27 As for the men , it is hard to look beyond Pete Sampras and Stefan Edberg , unless Boris Becker suddenly hits top form on his favourite surface .
28 It is natural to look for causative factors , and we have treated causality much as it is treated in experimental research generally ( see Plutchik , 1974 : 174–87 ) .
29 Certainly it is natural to look to law in some form or another as a force-controlling mechanism ( Watson , 1982 , p. 71 ) .
30 With her dark blue hull , and red and white coach stripes , Big Easy is good to look at and a delight to sail .
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