Example sentences of "it [adv] certain that " in BNC.

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1 Young people are not alone in having problems with friendships , but the psycho-social issues that confront adolescents make it more certain that such difficulties are likely to be of concern to them .
2 But six shots and a man in intensive care , ’ he added , ‘ makes it reasonably certain that some friend of yours was involved . ’
3 Indeed , such communities may not be typical of communities as a whole : Romaine ( 1982 ) regards it as certain that linguistic and social factors do not often interact straightforwardly in the way Labov suggests .
4 But this , and the look of disdain on Sandra 's face when I mention the Material Girl as one of the consummate Eighties pop stars , makes it fairly certain that the two are no longer official Best Friends .
5 The reaction to the discovery , that it would mean that there would be no need of the Icelandic fishing grounds in future , makes it fairly certain that even if there had been accidental sightings of the New World before that date , no systematic attempts had been made to explore it further nor to exploit the resources of the Newfoundland Banks ( 45 , pp.214–16 ) .
6 That he would have done much more is years to come is certain ; yet the quality and the richness of what he left behind him make it equally certain that this very patient man , who to achieve his ends knew how to take his time , never wasted a minute of his life .
7 A British Foreign Office paper of 4 January 1950 uneasily acknowledged that the American bases made it doubly certain that Britain was a prime Soviet target .
8 The deal makes it almost certain that Mr Sam Nujoma , president of Swapo , will become the country 's first president .
9 A statement from the harbour-master which confirmed the conversation he had had with Mary Penrose 's father : ‘ In my opinion , having in mind recent weather conditions , the finding of the body on the west side of Kernick Head makes it almost certain that the body was placed in the water further to the west , most likely in the neighbourhood of the old sewage outfall … ’
10 While it appeared that the race might well remain technically undecided until the final round of primaries in June , the resurgence of Clinton 's campaign had the effect of dampening speculation concerning a brokered convention and made it almost certain that the Arkansas Governor would win the Democratic nomination .
11 The award of an Admiralty contract to Oliphant 's laboratory for the production of centimetric wave ( CW ) transmitters made it virtually certain that the principal topic of research would be the klystron , a then recent brilliant invention by the Varian brothers of California .
12 In the first place , the personality of the new king made it quite certain that any dispute would be conducted in a new way .
13 Nor is it quite certain that the ordinary law Courts are in all cases the best body for adjudicating upon the offences or the errors of civil servants .
14 It is worrying , therefore , that the NIRC in Hudson ( Birmingham ) Ltd v Winsper opined : ‘ If they [ the employers ] want to make it absolutely certain that no tribunal will dissent from their dismissing the driver who is convicted of dangerous driving , then they should , in fairness to themselves and the driver , post a notice or otherwise bring it to the attention of all their drivers that any conviction for dangerous driving , regardless of the circumstances which give rise to it , will lead to dismissal .
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