Example sentences of "it [modal v] therefore be " in BNC.

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1 It may therefore be possible to reconcile the views of the opposing schools of thought by regarding global standardisation as the ultimate objective when substantial economies of scale are available but which may need to be modified in the context of the product concerned .
2 It may therefore be questioned whether English law takes the right approach in confining its most serious sexual offence , rape , so narrowly .
3 In particular , Thompson and Spencer 's list of the features of habituation was derived from studies of short-term examples of the phenomenon ; it may therefore be unreasonable to expect these features to be found also in latent inhibition ( see Lubow , Weiner , and Schnur 1981 ) .
4 It may therefore be worth ascertaining whether payment for such services can be included as part of the package .
5 It may therefore be profitable to look further at techniques for strengthening positive actions with positive words and deeds .
6 It may therefore be expected that the solutions obtained may be related to known cylindrically symmetric solutions , or to stationary axisymmetric solutions , which similarly have a pair of Killing vectors .
7 It may therefore be noted that , although the new solution satisfies the boundary conditions for colliding plane waves , the seed solution in this case does not .
8 Hitherto such emphasis and recognition have not been current , nor , I believe , has there been sufficiently widespread recognition of the need to spread the information we have to those who should use it — it may therefore be appropriate to end this chapter with a few rude questions .
9 It may therefore be that , if a technique were ever found to evaluate the economic costs and benefits of innovative work design , it might reveal that in a number of cases such innovation had net costs , to management , rather than net benefits .
10 It may therefore be proposed that BRAC 's programme failed to communicate properly with the practitioners and consequently alienated them with regard to the concept of the lobon-gur mixture .
11 It may therefore be difficult to accept unquestioningly the notion of unidimensionality and the unproblematic production ( and reproduction ) of a subservient mass by the capitalist mass media .
12 It may therefore be more accurate to identify the functionalist style with those who adopt a collectivist social ontology .
13 Indeed , as the writing system was not standardized , it is likely that variation of this kind would enter more readily into the texts than it would today , and that it may therefore be possible by comparing texts to trace the pattern by which one variant recedes and another spreads .
14 It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions , but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary : ( a ) For respect of the rights or reputations of others ; …
15 It may therefore be that while a perfectly competitive market composed of producers big enough to benefit fully from economies of scale would be the ideal , something like the existing state of affairs , particularly against a background of merger control and regulation of anti-competitive practices , is the best realisable outcome .
16 It may therefore be that there was an earlier phase of the universe in which matter collapsed , to be re-created in the big bang .
17 It may therefore be assumed that a manager is maintaining an adequate policy if the competitive position is being maintained and projections indicate that it is likely to be maintained in future .
18 It may therefore be necessary to proceed against him under the latter section , supposing that the requisite intention can be established , or under section 5 .
19 It may therefore be wondered if the drafting of Article 100A(4) does not betray some confusion between that concept and Article 36 .
20 It may therefore be suggested that the aim of Article 130R(5) , even though it is not evident from the words used in that provision , is to accept that where the Community has enacted environmental legislation for its internal purposes , it is the Community that has power to negotiate corresponding external agreements .
21 The need for further study of this confused period is clearly indicated , but the statements of Ibn Hajar ( and al-Makrizi ) and of the earliest chronological list and the document indicating Molla Fenari 's presence in Karaman in Jumada II 819/August 1416 provide at the least a consistent basis for explaining the reason for , and establishing the date of , Molla Fenari 's return ; and it may therefore be tentatively concluded that Molla Fenari returned to the Ottoman lands some time in , or shortly alter , Sha'ban 820/September-October 1417 .
22 It may therefore be that 871/1466–7 represents a terminus ante quem for the death of Fahreddin Acemi , provided that the various facts given in the are correct and that Ali Tusi 's departure for Persia followed reasonably closely upon his defeat by Hocazade in the competition , which seems to be the implication in the Shaka'ik .
23 It may therefore be necessary to record both spectra to check for modes inactive in one but active in the other .
24 The effect of this agent may be a result of its ability to reduce the lithogenicity of bile and it may therefore be of particular benefit in patients with complicating biliary calculi .
25 It may therefore be preferable to defer realisation of the loss ( see s18 TCGA 1992 ) .
26 It may therefore be advisable to delete this proviso , but it is not disastrous if it remains .
27 It may therefore be that a clause which wholly negates one party 's promise will never be given effect ; even if this is not the case , the court will be extremely reluctant to interpret the clause in that way and clear words will be needed to have that effect .
28 It should therefore be no surprise at all that we got policemen and women to talk .
29 It should therefore be particularly revered .
30 Every held operation using tractors or horses inevitably causes some compaction and damage to soil structure ; it should therefore be the farmer 's aim to create the desired effect with the minimum of passes at exactly the right time .
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