Example sentences of "it [modal v] probably have " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If not , it 'll probably have to be the bus . ’
2 It 's like , with Sharon Stone , even at the end she was still dependent on Michael Douglas , like , when he was going she was crying and she could n't kill him at the end cos she loved him so much and , you know what I mean , so no , Body of Evidence , it 'll probably have a rubbish end and she 'll probably marry the lawyer or something , but it was still good to see her beat , tying a man up , putting candle wax on him and shit .
3 But the Chinese Constitution contains all sorts of promises , too — so many that it could probably have been construed to forbid the People 's Liberation Army from shooting dead hundreds of unarmed civilians , and to prohibit the arbitrary arrest , summary trial or execution of thousands more .
4 The audience of willing females had shouted the answer so loudly that it could probably have been heard back in Monte Samana .
5 The phantom was initially nameless but the viewer knew that , if he had shouted Class or Guilt after it , it would probably have answered .
6 However the Occupational Pensions Board called for a pensions tribunal and Tony Thurham , chairman of the Association of Pensions Lawyers , said : ‘ Many pensions lawyers would have preferred a tribunal since it would probably have had greater powers and more staff .
7 He went on to add that , had his interest not been channelled into the evangelical Protestantism of the Free Church , it would probably have led to him getting in with ‘ a bad crowd ’ and joining the tartan gangs of loyalist youths .
8 Otherwise it would probably have been closed .
9 Instead of relaxing and letting nature take its course — it would probably have passed quite easily when he passed his water — he panicked and tried to remove the safety pin by not so gentle manipulations from the outside .
10 At one time the local authority would have provided only one library service — the public library — and if a school did have its own library it would probably have been administered by the public library .
11 If I had left the move till later it would probably have been much more traumatic .
12 Clearly the benefits of mahogany would have eventually become evident but it would probably have taken much longer .
13 If the Beast were a car it would probably have to complete with the Land Rover .
14 Botswana is just one country whose only daily paper is owned and run by the government , without whose assistance it would probably have no national paper at all .
15 Now if you 'd put that brain in a five mile tail-back on the M1 , it would probably have gone out of its mind .
16 Three out of four of these accidents fix on the properties of individual men as decisive variables directing the course of events : had Churchill been a less charismatic politician Britain might have given up her fight against Germany ; had Franco permitted an assault on Gibraltar it would probably have fallen ; and if Mussolini had not ‘ taken it into his head ’ to invade Greece , Hitler would have moved into Russia .
17 If Club Med or Universal Studios had thought of the idea first and sited it in Europe , it would probably have attracted government subsidies .
18 France was neither oblivious of nor indifferent to the outcome of the war which she was fighting and for which , as the US kept saying , she was primarily responsible ; but to have had a chance of winning at that stage it would probably have had to be a French rather than a Vietnamese war .
19 It would probably have taken an expert jadesmith more than ten years to complete such a suit .
20 Judging by the small holes it would probably have been attached to either wood or leather .
21 As space is very tight it would probably have to be limited to one page .
22 The value of the grand unification energy is not very well known , but it would probably have to be at least a thousand million million GeV .
23 The day before , Norway had declined Germany 's offer of a non-aggression pact , which no doubt weakened her position some months later , though even had she signed one , it would probably have made little difference .
24 Given the few moments of contemplation she 'd wanted , it would probably have been her own choice for the evening .
25 It would probably have been easier to create the actor first and then paste its image onto the background , but the way I 've done it here is n't difficult to do .
26 The government and the banks are considering setting up a national data system of business angels , it would probably have to be government funded .
27 When she nodded , he went on , ‘ It would probably have been better if we had discussed it right at the beginning , and certainly when we realised we were becoming attracted to each other . ’
28 Home Office pathologist Dr Donald Wayte , of Bangor , told the court yesterday that it would probably have been impossible to get so much material into Mrs McMullen 's mouth if she had been conscious , as she would have been fighting for her life .
29 In fact , any other time it would probably have terrified her , now she rather welcomed it as a sign that life was normal after all .
30 Well I do n't know it would probably have to be May or June I think erm
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