Example sentences of "it [modal v] [not/n't] therefore " in BNC.

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1 Or do they say that , because the police behaved badly , the confession is , as a result , unreliable or unfair and it should not therefore be entered in evidence ?
2 This probably reflects the effect of high male mortality rates resultant from the major wars and it should not therefore be assumed that future cohorts of elderly will continue to illustrate this extreme gender imbalance .
3 Within the terms of Article 36 of the Vienna Convention it could not therefore claim performance of this support if it were to become needed .
4 It could not therefore be said that the defendant was assuming any rights . "
5 It will not therefore be useless without its associated software .
6 It will not therefore form part of the demised property and obligations relating to the demised property will not apply to it .
7 Among the points it made was that the Revival was ‘ simply the fruit of dilettante and antiquarian study ’ , and ‘ if thirteenth century architecture was so perfectly adapted to the circumstances of the day ’ , it can not therefore be so for the nineteenth .
8 It can not therefore now justify that it was right to cause those same pensioner 's to pay twenty per cent of the Poll Tax .
9 It can not therefore have failed to become an important centre in its own right after the administrative changes introduced in the fourth century and it may have been promoted to the rank of civitas capital , although there is no evidence for the civitas over which it would have ruled .
10 It can not therefore be stated , as an abstract proposition , that he suffers any detriment from the discharge of that duty ; and the declaration does not show in what way the defendant could have derived any advantage from the plaintiff paying his own debts .
11 It can not therefore be attempted .
12 It can not therefore be described as an inherited disease .
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