Example sentences of "it [verb] an explanation " in BNC.

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1 It sought an explanation of crime in the criminal , not in the criminal law .
2 Another important aspect of Marx 's notion of the Asiatic mode of production is that it offers an explanation of what he saw as the surprising stability of Asian states .
3 Kuhn insists that his account constitutes a theory of science because it includes an explanation of the function of its various components .
4 Sociologists are often attracted by Weber 's account because it gives an explanation for the distinct differences in life-chances between different strata in contemporary capitalism .
5 At its most comprehensive it proposes an explanation of historical population trends and a forecast of trends in the developing world .
6 More importantly it carried an explanation of the format of this pro-celebrity event .
7 That there was a pattern for her in Lermontov 's novel is conceivable : but it ca n't be claimed that it fits her with exactitude , or that it provides an explanation of her conduct .
8 A justification for talk of abstract ideas is that it provides an explanation of how our thought and knowledge can be general ; ‘ how we can know any proposition to be true of all particular triangles , except we have first seen it demonstrated of the abstract idea of a triangle . ’
9 Religion plays a vital role in society because it provides an explanation of origin and destiny , of identity and purpose .
10 They seem to have a reasonably clear meaning , and have the merit of linking diverse bits of information together in a coherent pattern , and it provides an explanation for the content of Judaism and Christianity especially , and may have some application for understanding and explaining the ritual developments in Hinduism and Buddhism , as will be illustrated in Chapter 5 .
11 But perhaps this is a strength in the theory rather than a weakness , since the new quadripartite analysis will have a coherence that was previously lacking ; it provides an explanation in the fourth clause of what was before included by mere stipulation , that knowledge requires truth .
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