Example sentences of "to be a special " in BNC.

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1 Many poems contain a critique of poetry , just as many contain a critique of the self-portrayed poet , and of his intention to serve a social or doctrinal system , or of his claim to be a special case .
2 This liturgical elaboration is sometimes considered to be a special feature of the monastic movements of the tenth century radiating from Gorze-Trier , Cluny in Burgundy , Gerard of Brogne , and from Ethelwold of Winchester and others in England .
3 If he were to stand down immediately , however , there would need to be a special Labour conference to choose a new leader under the electoral college system , which gives the lion 's share of the vote to the trade unions .
4 The grouse were to be a special feature on the menu .
5 Both establish promises to be a special case of consent .
6 Even in this case we can consider the translation to be a special case of rotation about a centre infinitely far away .
7 It is this disembodied grin that explains the source of Lewis Carroll 's image , for there used to be a special kind of Cheshire cheese which had a grinning feline face marked on one end of it .
8 On Saturday evening there is to be a special party here : an orchestra , dancing , and several important guests .
9 There had to be a special word for something as big as that .
10 It is also quite common for there to be a special pension scheme for executives and directors .
11 Learning how to apply alien Western ideas is supposed to be a special Japanese attribute and the US provided practical lessons of democracy in action down to 1952 .
12 So this one would be called bute two E and so again , these are true positional isomers same carbon skeleton they differ in the position of the principle functional group , which in this case , has to be a special electrons .
13 None of us mind him at all and he used to be a special friend of Minch 's . ’
14 ‘ The manufacturing of electrical and electronic components in the year 1964 … can not be adjudged to be a special use nor can the bringing and storing on the premises of metal foil be a special use in itself … .
15 The CpG within the central tetramer ( ACGT ) of the dodecamer studied appears to be a special case .
16 There just had to be a special Super Brownie cake and card for Lynn Hurdwell when she left the Association .
17 Apart from all your usual favourites — Super Brownie , Fun Food , Fiction , Competitions , badge hints , Freda and more — there 's going to be a special eight-page pull-out section for Rainbow Guides , the Rainbow Guide Extra .
18 This turns out to be a special case of the BKZ equation but gives an explicit form for the memory kernel with the dependence of the rheological parameters on molecular weight and concentration .
19 Laura paused , the better to relish the effect of her words , then added , ‘ There ought to be a special word for a priest-slayer , do n't you think ? ’
20 Colleagues , immediately after the close of this particular session , there is to be a meeting in the conference hall within the Guildhall , on the National Trade Union Laws on National Tamp Tampon Alert Day , and there 's to be a special video which will last approximately eleven minutes .
21 Because a company can be an author of a computer-generated work , there has to be a special rule for determining the duration of copyright in such works and the copyright expires at the end of the period of 50 years from the end of the calendar year in which the work was made ( section 12(3) ) .
22 There 's to be a special er sweet or something , bar of chocolate for those who get these questions right .
23 This afternoon Darlington Mayor Coun Rita Fishwick is to be a special guest at a party for friends at Willow Lodge .
24 We had a phone call yesterday from a a civilian detention officer working at Trent who lives in my village of Tollerton who wants to be a special constable to work just in Tollerton .
25 The reason it is important today is because tomorrow has been requested to be appointed to be a special day in prayer for peace justice in Northern Ireland .
26 Does the Walkman have to be a special type ?
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