Example sentences of "to the roof of " in BNC.

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1 As one leading business magazine put it. : ‘ Body Shop 's star in the City is not so much rising as super-glued to the roof of the firmament . ’
2 Girls , women and small children lug great sacks along to a spot where they can be heaved on to the roof of the bus .
3 The following week tests were carried out and I went with Dad to watch the Brigade endeavouring to pump water to the roof of Blooms the Drapers on The Canal — possibly the City 's tallest building .
4 Some of the work was performed , as a matter of course , at ground level , and the highest staging gave immediate access to the roof of the vehicle .
5 The worst thing was having to climb that damned ladder to the roof of Flying Control in a howling gale and lashing rain , to see how far I could n't see across the air field and to estimate the strength of the wind which was doing its best to dislodge my desperate hold on the railing .
6 It had undermined pillars erected to give extra support to the roof of the workings and about 6 p.m. that day the pillars gave way and about 200 feet of the roof collapsed .
7 Kalchu climbed on to the roof of the house , and with the flame he 'd brought from the shrine fire set light to the two piles of jharo .
8 From the start , pick up a crate and kill the policeman , continue right , dodging the dog on the way , climb the ladder to where the mugger prowls , dodge him and grab the ‘ ? ’ ( 50 points ) and the records , climb upwards , collecting records on the way , kill the workman with the crate and thus gain access to the roof of the building , avoid climbing the crane ( there 's nothing of interest there ) , climb up the ladder and kill the policeman , run right and jump off the edge to the end of the building .
9 The female octopus lays her eggs in a hole or small cave sometimes attached to the roof of the lair , hanging down like tiny wax candles .
10 Bass players of the time were most unhappy about the situation , though ; their instrument , the double bass , was exceedingly bulky , very fragile and did not take at all well to the rigours of touring , especially if strapped to the roof of a car , as many were .
11 Jobless Peter Urben , 43 , clambered on to the roof of what he thought was the optician 's and ended up in the carpet shop next door .
12 If you 're thinking about carrying out some alterations to the roof of your property , then you may require planning permission and/or Building Regulations approval .
13 The drift had become a tunnel of overgrowth that dripped water on to the roof of the van .
14 Her voice , clear and pure , soared up to the roof of the theatre , and when it picked up the words of the chorus of ‘ My old man said follow the van … ’ , no one in that vast hall joined in , they just listened .
15 The communion wafer glued itself to the roof of her mouth .
16 Police said an astonished eyewitness saw Mr Saggers crash on to the roof of the Nissan Micra , lie there for 15 seconds , then get up , brush himself down , and walk away .
17 They changed platforms for the Circle going clockwise and , told by Dean that it was a safe stretch , at Gloucester Road both Chris and Damon climbed out on to the roof of the car .
18 Passengers went to the open doors and looked up and down the platform , trying to make out why they were stuck there , but no one looked up on to the roof of the car .
19 When the train had emerged from the last tunnel on the Central Line between Stratford and Leyton , issuing with little more space to spare than toothpaste squeezed out of the nozzle of another kind of tube , somewhere past that point , though he was not sure yet where , he would climb out on to the roof of the car .
20 All it can do is to cling to the roof of its gallery and there hundreds of them hang in rows .
21 flinging top G to the roof of an empty church , or a bottle
22 After Madeleine ( Kim Novak ) has seemingly fallen to her death , the acrophobic ex-cop Scottie ( James Stewart ) relives the event , mentally re-enacting her fall from the bell-tower to the roof of the Spanish mission .
23 Later in the day he climbed to the roof of the Royal Courts of Justice and hurled slates and other objects into the courtyard below .
24 As well as Steve 's publications our newssheet covers such topics as spotting grounds from branch line trains and local buses , and our most recent sheet contained an article on a spectacular view of Northtown 's thatched terraces that can be obtained by skateboarding off the top of the multi-storey on to the roof of Lloyds Bank .
25 One of the ‘ leaders ’ even managed to climb on to the roof of government buildings , where he desecrated the state flag .
26 Sometimes , late at night , Odilo and I sneak out alone on to the roof of the boarding-house , while the Germans dream their dreams .
27 Gums were cut open and the knife scythed through the man 's tongue , momentarily pinning it to the roof of his mouth before severing it .
28 The latter practice was discouraged because of the damage it could cause to the roof of the tunnel .
29 I said all right , £50 , and he had it tied to the roof of their car before they could make a run for it .
30 If you go out shoving them off they go up on to the roof of the house , and as soon as you turn your back they 're back again .
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