Example sentences of "to the edge of " in BNC.

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1 It was a very long journey right across the Atlas mountains and down to the edge of the desert .
2 She buttoned up , put on her shorts , slung her bag over her shoulder and walked to the edge of the sea , then back again .
3 She walked almost to the edge of the cliff , where the road made a sharp left .
4 They came to the edge of the moors and turned down a steep track towards the beach .
5 Hold on to the edge of 1 bench with your hands behind your back .
6 After some tricky aid above the pegs , a section of typically marvellous free climbing , on pockets and depressions with target features reasonably near at hand , took me to the edge of the abyss — a blank wall with a piece of tat weaving , taunting , 40 feet above .
7 You can get special surface-mounting boxes which have a slot to take mini-trunking , but if these are not available , simply run the mini-trunking up to the edge of the box and knock out one of the holes in the side .
8 The sander is clamped on to the edge of a workbench so the disc is vertical and the shank of the disc is locked securely into your power-drill chuck — most drills with a standard 43mm diameter neck are suitable .
9 Should the only answer be to tack more and more suburbs on to the edge of Reading and more ‘ executive housing ’ on to the fringes of Berkshire or Hampshire villages ?
10 To hire a car would be a mistake if you want to enjoy the White Mountains , which extend over the western end of the island , from immediately behind Chania and the north coast road to the edge of the south coast .
11 I 'm eight and a half years old and disgusted that my mother has to come with me to see A Hard Day 's Night when usually she just sees me to the edge of the estate and across the main road .
12 This is all logical enough given Fforde 's conviction that collectivism comes from ‘ areas other than the British Conservative party ’ , but Fforde seems to forget that the Conservatives were in power for fifty-five of the 100 years from the dawn of collectivism to the edge of Thatcherism , and must , therefore , have been at least partly responsible for some of Keith Joseph 's ‘ detritus ’ .
13 ‘ I managed to punch my boilie out to the edge of a gravel bar about 60 yeards out , but I had to play the fish towards the top as I brought it in because there are a lot of boulders on the bottom , ’ explained Lee .
14 Unimpressed , I went down to the edge of the fjord to find somewhere to camp .
15 We used the tongue in its lower reaches , where it licked land close to the edge of the Skaftafell site .
16 Her progress is delayed by the 400 parents and friends who have all decided to move to the edge of the parade ground to ensure they get good seats for the parade .
17 Watt 's Nine Men ( 1943 ) depicts a group of soldiers making their last stand in a desert hut , which has a dramatic intensity that pushes it to the edge of documentary fiction .
18 Sandy Lyle was slightly unlucky that that second shot ran off the green into a depression called Duncan 's Hollow , and definitely unlucky that his third shot , which he attempted to finesse , failed by a fraction and ran back to the edge of the green .
19 Unless she crawled to the edge of the embankment — I suppose it 's possible , but she ca n't have walked to the spot in the first place . ’
20 In the Gulf of California , the use of gill-nets may have pushed the vaquita or Gulf of California porpoise to the edge of extinction .
21 He was giving her orders : she was to hold on to the edge of the pool and breathe deeply in and out .
22 Jane dreamt she was clinging to the edge of a cliff , and her bank manager was hammering at her fingers .
23 Then he picked up a rock from the shallow water at the edge of the pool and threw it out into the middle , making a huge splash ; the rings of the splash spread nearly to the edge of the pool .
24 Still holding the note-book , he crawled out of the hide and made his way down to the edge of the bigger of the two pools .
25 Philip took the path that he and Lee had taken yesterday to get to the edge of the field .
26 Philip ran to the edge of the feeding-ground and stood on the log .
27 Jumping up , he went to the edge of the pavement , trying to catch sight of the bus among the trippers and the traffic : ‘ This is no good !
28 On several occasions before Isaac 's birth we have seen the purposes of God brought to the edge of disaster by Abraham .
29 Several times Abraham brought the purposes of God to the edge of extinction , Isaac 's birth introduced yet further tragedy and the keenest disappointment , while how God 's promises survived Jacob 's cruelty and trickery we shall never know .
30 These strips would allow mowing right to the edge of the lawn and would also allow the edge to be trimmed with edging shears .
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