Example sentences of "to be available to " in BNC.

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1 Yet for women religious , celibacy has come to be a statement in direct opposition to western cultural norms of women having to be available to men and usually defined by their relationships to them .
2 Wainwright 's books must continue to be available to all who are prepared to accept his own work , as he wrote it , and as the product of his own generation ( and preferably bearing the cherished stamp of the Westmorland Gazette ) .
3 The Germans had shifted their position since the writing of the Delors Report : where they had previously wanted ‘ binding rules ’ for budget deficits , they now called for ‘ sanctions ’ to be available to the Community as a means of enforcing the bank 's decisions on recalcitrant member states .
4 Unfortunately when the gas began to be available to Southern Italy there was not sufficient consumer infrastructure and so Enel , the Italian electricity utility , was asked to use the surplus for electricity generation until the necessary distribution network is established .
5 Some proposals for block contracts ( DoH 1989f ) at first sight do appear to be population based , eg ‘ the DHA might , for example , require a specified number of beds to be available to a DHA 's residents whenever required for a defined area of treatment together with the appropriate facilities for treatment ’ , but this does not indicate who is responsible when these beds are all occupied and more ( emergency ) cases arrive .
6 Apart from dealing with the matter of the will if one was made , it may be agreed , if your parent wishes , that he should also take on the responsibility for contacting various persons and organisations : the bank , to arrange for money to be available to her pending the settlement of her husband 's affairs ; her husband 's employer and Trade Union branch secretary , or the secretary of any professional association to which he belonged ; his insurance company ; the Department of Health and Social Security , to obtain forms for claiming the death grant and the widow 's pension ; the Inland Revenue , if her husband was still paying income tax ; the Building Society , the mortgagor ( or landlord if she and her husband lived in rented property ) and any other person or organisation concerned .
7 the resources which he could expect to be available to him for the purpose of meeting the liability should it arise ; and
8 ‘ We want it to be available to everyone , not just the business user , ’ says Watt .
9 So should the law allow mercy killing — ‘ euthanasia ’ — to be available to those patients suffering incurable diseases who do not want their painful lives to be prolonged ?
10 On completion , the use of day and residential facilities , including a family flat , were to be available to parents and children with physical disabilities or sensory impairments .
11 Some of the children in our study felt desperately disappointed that they had not been adopted , and yet they did have a home which would continue to be available to them in their adult life and had found a kind of loving , though perhaps not the all-accepting , all-loving parent of their dreams .
12 Libidinal energy from sexuality has to be available to be used in creating and maintaining society and cultures .
13 The ‘ easy money ’ said to be available to young people under conditions of full employment was the object of widespread condemnation .
14 Are building programmes for the next financial year drawn up in time to be available to managers before holidays are allocated ?
15 She believed that private medicine ought not to coexist by the side of the Health Service ; or perhaps more fairly , that if it did exist it should not derive any benefits from the Health Service , and that none of the resources of the Service ought properly to be available to private practitioners .
16 The TVEI was set up in 1983 as a series of pilot projects designed to test a variety of different methods and approaches , and was extended in 1987 , becoming a national scheme intended , eventually , to be available to all 14–18-year-olds , irrespective of ability .
17 ‘ Of course the transcriber — this Yank — wanted it to be all very hush-hush and MI5 , but I rang Mrs Machin myself , and checked up , and she said with all this new interest she thought the material ought to be available to any scholar who wanted to look at it .
18 I am delighted that Mr Strachan has agreed to continue to serve as a Trustee , and that his long experience and wise counsel will continue to be available to the Library .
19 Preparations to provide mains electricity on Rathlin island are progressing satisfactorily , and supply is expected to be available to consumers in September .
20 All records were to be available to Cardiff city council to allow it to discharge its statutory responsibilities .
21 By the end of the year the government planned for 4,500 industrial enterprises , valued at a total of kcs3,500,000 million , to be available to domestic or foreign purchasers .
22 Many early treaty collections , nevertheless , were not intended to be available to the general public at all .
23 The essential feature of the family centre is that it provides a service to the whole family and not just the child although family centres may also provide other child-centred services such as day care , out-of-school activities and child health clinics. ( d ) Support at home Local authorities must make appropriate provision for the following services to be available to children in need who are living with their families ( Sched 2 , para 8 ) : ( i ) advice , guidance and counselling ; ( ii ) occupational , social , cultural and recreational activities ; ( iii ) home help ( including laundry facilities ) ; ( iv ) transport or assistance with travel expenses to and from the home so that the child may take advantage of any service offered ; ( v ) assistance to enable the child and his family to have a holiday .
24 In relation to clauses which impose a monetary limit on damages recoverable in the event of breach of contract , the court is also to take into account : ( a ) the resources which [ the party seeking to rely on the clause ] could expect to be available to him for the purpose of meeting the liability should it arise ; and ( b ) how far it was open to him to cover himself by insurance .
25 And thirdly there 's a meeting at Stansted Airport of the Committee tomorrow and I wrote and said so to the Committee and said could we discuss this with the Committee tomorrow and again I asked for information to be available to the public and particularly to local Councils so they could alter the situation .
26 Questioning the future of the Veterinary Research Laboratory , he said : ‘ Will the professional help continue to be available to veterinary practitioners and farmers ?
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