Example sentences of "to [art] third of " in BNC.

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1 I now turn to the third of my questions : what controls the whole system ?
2 Following Burmese patterns the lines were usually of four syllables with the rhyme coming back diagonally from the fourth word of the first line to the third of the second , the second of the third and the first of the last line .
3 One consequence is that , almost certainly , the Serbs will keep possession of most of Bosnia , in addition to the third of Croatia they already control .
4 We turn now to the third of the imperatives that shape the bargaining climate : the political context .
5 And now to the third of our special reports to find out what businesses from our region are learning from the Florida experience .
6 With real mortgage rates on extra borrowing normally between 4 and 5 per cent , it is quite plausible that about a quarter to a third of the value of housing equity — estimated at £830billion at end-1987 — could be due to deregulation .
7 Salami are usually air-dried at a constant temperature during which time they lose well over a quarter and up to a third of their original weight through evaporation of the water content .
8 But much food aid is stolen as it is unloaded at the ports ; and army-escorted convoys manage to lose up to a third of their cargoes on the way .
9 It has shrunk to a third of the original draft 's 120 pages .
10 UBS P & D plans a series of roadshows in Europe to present the proposals to Heron 's many thousands of bondholders who have seen bonds slashed to a third of their face value .
11 The Cancer Research Campaign said yesterday that if a trial , to begin next year , is successful , up to a third of 15,000 victims a year could be saved .
12 In Rowntree 's examples of typical streets in 1900 , in the poorest streets up to a third of the householders were widows , in contrast to less than 5 per cent in the best working-class districts .
13 Few report writers invest up to a third of their time on follow through which is why their efforts so often arrive on death row ; the shelf in someone 's office where doomed reports await transfer to the waste bin or shredder .
14 A survey by Apted suggested that perhaps a quarter to a third of university libraries have selection policy statements of some kind .
15 A herd of zebras , hence , produces about a quarter to a third of its weight in prey carcases per year .
16 Continue winter digging , adding organic matter to a third of the plot , and lime the area designated for planting brassicas .
17 A tiny figure is when you consider up to a third of the population is estimated to have no belief in God .
18 SynOptics Communications Inc has unveiled the first products based on its six-chip Asynchronous Transfer Moder chip set announced last October ( CI No 2,035 ) : the per-port price of the LattisCell switches ranges from under £1,500 to £2,000 , a half to a third of its competitors ' prices , says the company ; the Santa Clara company also has a technology partnership agreement with Sun Microsystems Inc to develop a 155Mbps asynchronous transfer mode SBus adaptor board that will be made and sold by SynOptics , enabling the LattisCell switches to be directly connected to Sparc systems running the Solaris Unix .
19 African leaders have some $10 billion on deposit in Swiss banks , according to one estimate ; Mr Eigen thinks that dud projects built as a vehicle for bribes may account for up to a third of developing-country debt .
20 In the latter half of the eighteenth century parish vestries ( the local ‘ council ’ ) were often prepared to order general inoculations when smallpox was abroad locally , and the Poor Law Overseers paid the fees of paupers ( up to a third of the village ) .
21 Despite lower British fertility levels , migration out of England exceeded 100,000 per year by 1870 ; 3–5 per 1,000 population , representing up to a third of natural increase ( Baines 1985 ) .
22 Up to a third of mothers using such facilities have no job , except for day nurseries where 60–70 per cent of the mothers are employed ( Osborn , Butler , and Morris 1984 ) .
23 The estimated time to get to sleep after going to bed was reduced to a quarter of the baseline levels , and reports of difficulty in getting to sleep were reduced to a third of what they had been .
24 On a high-rating Sunday , they will draw up to a third of the population of Britain .
25 As in previous economic crises , capital expenditure was hit hardest , but on a scale not experienced before — cut to a half or to a third of previous levels in some cases .
26 All power was knocked out by Hurricane Iniki and up to a third of the buildings were flattened .
27 in real terms over this period , and those pensioners will have benefited further since those statistics were compiled by the increases amounting to a third of a billion pounds that have been made in income support premiums in the past three years .
28 The Secretary of State has been trying to say that he is a friend of the inspectorate , despite his proposal to cut it to a third of its current size , and he has created pandemonium .
29 Anything from a half to a third of colliers ' earnings was accounted for by an allowance of two draughts of coal a week , and when other Staffordshire coal owners tried to follow the Earl 's example , they found their miners demanding threepence a day in compensation .
30 The outcome by 1800 was that around a fifth of manufacturing output was exported compared with a third in 1700 , and that whereas manufactured goods had then up to a third of imports , by 1815 they hardly figured at all .
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