Example sentences of "to [be] free [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 They wanted advice but also to be free to decide whether it was or was not good advice .
2 Designing clothes for Carnega was all very well and I made a good living at it I wo n't deny but I wanted to be free to do my own thing — and to have my own name on the labels .
3 She wanted to be free to do her own thing — be independent — get a job , perhaps .
4 But in July Mary of Guise was able to fight back more successfully , and at the end of the month the two sides made another truce , by which Edinburgh was to be free to choose its religion , and Catholic observance was not to be reinstated where it had been suppressed .
5 They want directors to be free to choose the accounting policies that best suit the particular circumstances of their particular company in order to give a true and fair view .
6 I tell you , after a long life of many escapes , many dramas which might have been tragedies , what I want and would value most is to be free to choose as much of my life as is given to me — to live it by my own lights , Mary , to do , insofar as God wills it , what I want to do to the very hilt and limit . ’
7 German Chancellor Helmut Kohl , in a marked shift of attitude , stated before the meeting that the peoples of Europe had to be free to choose their own future , while Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher warned that Germany would press for severe political and economic sanctions against Yugoslavia if the army continued to defy the federal authorities .
8 We want our system , just as surely as France and Germany want to be free to enjoy their systems .
9 The USA had also resisted including the " most favoured nation " principle for services on a global basis , which would require that countries treated all trading partners alike ; the USA wanted to be free to discriminate in favour of countries which opened their markets to US services [ see also pp. 37228-29 ] .
10 Mr later on in her evidence said , quote , I consider that after six and a half years , I deserve to have a life of my own , it is not a prison sentence , I have done nothing wrong , I wish to be free to give assistance at my choice , we can not continue to live in our present home , Michael and I can not continue to look after Anna in the way we have .
11 It can be argued that it is a citizen 's right to be free to collect information about whatever and whoever he likes and to do it in any way which is not intrusive or injurious .
12 The Tvrdohlavi , just eight strong , wanted to be free to explore artistic avenues and to meet other creative people away from state influence .
13 But each enterprise also wants government to be flexible , to discriminate in its favour ; and for itself wants to be free to take advantage of any shifts in the factors which improve its own bargaining power .
14 Perhaps this was better , to be free to see where they were going to take her , to follow them , to keep out of their hands and then perhaps an opportunity would come to do something .
15 He said : ’ But the European central bank in stage 3 would have to be free to set interest rates without interference . ’
16 Just as you do not wish others to inflict their desires upon you , you must leave it to them to be free to follow their own direction in life .
17 Local schools were to be free to buy in the services of private organisations to inspect their standards .
18 Monetarists are opposed to this form of monetary control , arguing that banks , like any firm , ought to be free to compete in the market , free from government restrictions .
19 ‘ I thought it would be good to be free to get on with my own affairs , ’ she said , ‘ but I suffered quite severe depression .
20 As no order will have been made in respect of the property at this stage , the defendant appears to be free to dispose of it before the order can be made and thus defeat the object of making the order .
21 But the small case load of the House of Lords and the expense of bringing a second appeal have produced suggestions that there is no need for the second appeal if the Court of Appeal were to be free to reconsider its own previous decisions .
22 to be free to make and keep contacts with the outside world
23 Yet all couples have to make the break from home , emotionally if not physically , if they are to be free to make a marriage work .
24 Similarly those coordinating such a project need to strike a balance between their own rules of procedure and the need to be free to exercise their discretion in the face of unforeseen circumstances .
25 He is first and foremost a brilliant engineer and he is happy to be free to concentrate on research and development while I get on with marketing . ’
26 ‘ And now I feel it 's so nice to be free to try things .
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