Example sentences of "to [be] sort of " in BNC.

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1 I really thought it was going to be sort of ‘ You must not drink ever again' and ‘ You naughty boy , you must n't do it ever again' sort of thing .
2 Seemed to be sort of permanently suspended in mid-air just-so , flat out without ever landing .
3 And there used to be sort of a mush made from haricot beans too that people said were baked beans and they were n't it was just sort of white mushy erm white haricot beans with a sort of red colouring poured over the top .
4 I was one of those people who used to be sort of potty about someone and then go off them within two weeks .
5 So we need to re-draft it we it needs to be sort of re-drafted in in a format
6 Because if we actually can address th those real concerns , you know , you know the point that brother just made about why should he leave you to join unison try and crystallize that out in a Northumberland way , if that 's possible , it may not be , it may be difficult on , on a short punchy A five leaflet it will probably service because I mean it c it can be photocopied , there 's nothing wonderful , I mean it does n't have to be sort of the most wonderful printing techniques and giving them desktop publishing .
7 Alas , it is not given to most of us to be sort of genius Edgar Allan Poe was ( most of the time ) , or even to be able to walk in his footsteps like Conan Doyle , G.K. Chesterton , Dorothy L. Sayers and Agatha Christie , with those steps getting fainter and fainter along the way .
8 do n't want to be sort of too enthusiastic about the number of words , just in case it turns out that they ca n't .
9 tell her not er not to be sort of hurrying you too much saying , Oh come on come on you should learn .
10 Erm I 'm not sure what time yet but erm it 's more likely to be sort of just before lunch or just sort of or maybe just after lunch or round four o'clock I try to keep the younger ones earlier so they 're not you know it 's not
11 And er I do n't know they seemed to be sort of more worldly wide in many respects .
12 ‘ So what I think we 've got to do , ’ says Howard , ‘ is to set up a society where everyone has enough sort of … contentment … to be sort of contented , but not so much that they ca n't see that all this sort of contentment is sort of blinding them to the possibility of becoming sort of more contented in a sort of kind of deeper sort of … ’
13 So we know what sort of times we 're expected to be sort of selling raffle tickets and
14 I never seemed to be sort of up to the other scholars at all .
15 We used to be sort of er almost like a erm a clothes line .
16 I mean I think at the end of the day because we 're w going to have to basically in a sense your job I think even though at the moment you 're saying you know fine I 'm not gon na exclude anything , I think it 's actually going to be sort of , to try and eliminate most of this .
17 And then these other men they used to be sort of a freelance , working a day here and a week there .
18 ‘ You seem to be sort of an expert on this kind of thing , ’ Sam says .
19 And , also I think it 's very fortunate that er the two cars that are in the picture have been very nicely disguised by the sort of containers , these brick erm this , this appears to be sort of a stone or a brick wall there with sort of flowers growing in them , which has very nicely dis disguised those two cars that are parked there .
20 Now if those , erm , wages in the civil service are set , not through sort of market process , but sort of through institutional er , constraints , you know , it 's unlikely there 's going to be sort of er , union power erm , in these sorts of jobs , but nevertheless , civil servants tend to do quite well at giving themselves pay increases
21 So it has to be sort of like written in comprehensive ?
22 Erm you covered it slightly , you need to be sort of in , either any yeah
23 we 're not doing it again , I do n't think she will , but I mean I think we need to be sort of positive about how we are going to sort of
24 Oh yes , there ha , I mean there are economies of scale in agriculture , it 's just that they 're , the scope of them er , is less than er the scope in manufacturing so I mean , farms used to be a lot smaller and throughout this century , this last century we 've witnessed an increase in farm size alright , but the I think the optimal , the optimal farm size is erm , I think it 's about three hundred hectares okay , er erm , with three hundred hectares you 'll produce a , a pretty squit proportion of erm total output but farms used to be sort of one , two , three , ten hectares in size as we 've gone through the farms have amalgamated and increased in size and that 's primarily due to economies of scale , but there are a great deal of economies to be reached , once you 've got a combine harvester , once you 've got big machinery alright .
25 Erm perhaps also say how urgent a lot of people but perhaps there ought to be sort of changes in planning law er changes indeed which erm this Council has sent messages to government about erm er previously .
26 You seem to be sort of trying to encourage a guilt complex by this , this idea put forward by the conservatives , which is not the case , people should not feel guilty in trying to do the benefit that they can to benefit the people of Wiltshire .
27 you 're thinking of direct costs , but erm , Phil was going to ask Jeff if he would chair it , and also if he 'd be willing , to be sort of editor in chief , of Eurofile , so that was yesterday , and I have n't seen Phil since , do n't know what happened with that and went to him that it was a briefing meeting .
28 Because certainly the thing that particularly struck me about these design and technology A levels which so often seem to be sort of er erm a contrived project , not not a real one .
29 And erm I I I find it I mean I 'm not going to be sort of holier than thou about it all I mean , perhaps I myself might be tempted er one day .
30 always used to be sort of double depth down but they 're not any longer .
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