Example sentences of "to [be] send to " in BNC.

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1 They have to be sent to ‘ cowboy school ’ .
2 However , Boss 's joy was tempered by the fact that Balla Cove was sold to two Americans earlier this week and is to be sent to the United States to be trained by Ron MacAnally , who prepared the great John Henry .
3 In London , a spokesman for Knighton said the offer document for the take-over was ready to be sent to shareholders on Wednesday .
4 Fourth September — news at Brigade H.Q that the Brigade would be returning to England on the 6th September to reorganise and prepare to be sent to the Far East and continue the war against the Japanese .
5 Mrs Chamorro appealed for close international scrutiny and support for the electoral process , and for observers to be sent to Nicaragua from unions and professional groups , as well as the UN and the OAS .
6 He was sure I was going to be sent to Siberia but I 'd given him all my film and all the pictures that I 'd taken already .
7 The government 's efforts to get a bill through parliament allowing soldiers to be sent to the Gulf in non-combat roles came to nothing .
8 Some disagree with this line of thinking — notably Ichiro Ozawa , the secretary-general of Japan 's ruling party , who has been arguing for Japanese soldiers to be sent to the Gulf in a non-combat role — but they have not had much luck making their case .
9 Instead , human actions cause electrical impulses to be sent to an electronic governor on one end of the engine .
10 The undertaking of the welfare of illegitimate children of soldiers who had been killed , the organization of accommodation and support for those evacuated from the western borders of the Reich already in autumn 1939 , or the administration of packages to be sent to relatives at the Front , were all tasks which fell to the Nazi welfare organization , the NSV .
11 Our usual joke is that for a Hungarian novelist to get published and widely read , he has first to be sent to prison .
12 Copies were to be sent to all sheriffs , who were to publish them to the people ; others were to be kept in all cathedral churches and read twice a year .
13 Perhaps the most unbearably poignant opera of the last half-century is The Emperor of Atlantis , which was written in Theresianstadt concentration camp , while composer and librettist waited to be sent to Auschwitz .
14 ‘ We are also concerned that any troublesome remand prisoner is unlikely to be sent to the Wolds , and that while we have to deal with them the Group 4 people are cushioned . ’
15 North Star recently advertised for brokers in the financial trade publication Financial Adviser , requesting replies to be sent to a P.O. Box in Bournemouth .
16 Certainly some men of the S.A.S. did ( as Captain Derrick Harrison tells us ) make a few training flights in gliders when waiting at Fairford to be sent to France ; and the use of gliders for later operations was considered .
17 But no , Jessie had to be something else ; Jessie had to be sent to the Secretarial School : no getting her hands sticky from the toffee hammer , breaking up the slabs in the long tins ; no weighing out a ha'p'orth of hundreds and thousands or a penn'orth of sugar baccy ; and as for the weighing out of the real baccy , of hard cut or shag or even serving the best cigars , oh no , oh no , her father was having Jessie do nothing like that .
18 Letters of thanks are to be sent to those residents and organisations who helped with the national Spring Clean day , when areas of the town were cleared of rubbish .
19 All Liskeard women and children were to be sent to the moors in case the French again threatened to invade .
20 However , the actual judging was completed on the Wednesday , and the last two days were devoted to drafting the report to be sent to Hall .
21 Four more divisions took place then , before it was finally agreed and ordered to be sent to the House of Commons .
22 ‘ Naturally , I arranged for the bill to be sent to Ibrox , ’ he added , barely disguising his contempt for dull issues like club discipline .
23 Accordingly , he suggested separate facilities at each exchange for dealing with juveniles ; notices with information about the exchanges were to be displayed in schools ; lists of prospective school-leavers to be sent to the local exchange with details of their ‘ ability , tastes and desires ’ ; and each school-leaver to be told to call at the exchange for an interview .
24 ‘ Luke had to be sent to the infirmary in Castlebar , ’ the sergeant went on .
25 As a double-check you should read through a document after it has been printed , especially if it is going to be sent to an important customer .
26 All the same , the plan to send two or more lads to Alfort was not yet finally abandoned , and subscriptions were still called for , to be sent to Odiham or to the London committee .
27 Copies of the resolutions were to be sent to the society in Odiham , to subscribers to that society 's farriery fund , and to members of the society resident in London .
28 Advertisements of the above resolutions were to be published in the press , including The Times and Topham 's World , and copies were to be sent to members of both Houses of Parliament , to other noblemen and gentlemen , and also to high sheriffs , to be laid before grand juries ( composed of men of substance ) at the ensuing assizes .
29 They were glad to be sent to Cannes to recuperate with only one show a night .
30 With all the RAF stations in England for him to be sent to , he had actually been sent to Bourn and was there for a couple of months .
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