Example sentences of "to [art] task of " in BNC.

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1 They remain dedicated to the task of setting up a group of integrated schools as a sector of education complementary to the existing system .
2 OVER THE past few years Britain and her European allies have been trying to adapt a system designed to catch Warsaw Pact spies to the task of hunting international terrorists .
3 If these richly-endowed giants of the developing world are barely equal to the task of liberalization , Africa is much less equipped for the challenge , and much less prepared to face it .
4 British films are too rarely good , not because of national character , but because of a production system that is inadequate to the task of generating a regular output of full-blooded films .
5 Fortunately , Leinster 's front five , which includes the experienced tight-head prop Des Fitzgerald , looks up to the task of scrummaging against the All Blacks .
6 He was replaced by the able , but less flamboyant , Harold Watkinson , who was a sound administrator and ideally suited to the task of restoring Britain 's military balance .
7 But if Labour 's leadership genuinely believe that their party is irrelevant to the task of developing non-sectarian politics , they should explain just how they see this task being accomplished .
8 How could the French people be expected to remember us when we ourselves have devoted fifteen years to the task of being forgotten , when , for fifteen years , the mainspring of the actions of the entire family has been the fear of compromising themselves , and they have avoided every chance of coming forward , the only way of publicly recalling themselves to the people 's memory ?
9 But once the State settles to the task of development , the majority of people may find conditions distant from the rhetorical promise of independence .
10 Sandra had virtually given up her career to devote herself to the task of keeping house and raising a family , though , in that respect , the relationship did not mature as she had hoped .
11 The urgency which mainstream critics applied to the task of denouncing A Very British Coup was no doubt fuelled by the fact that the film was screened as a three-week serial , hence reviewers were in the unusual position ( for TV critics ) of being able to influence readers as to whether they would watch future episodes .
12 Individually , we are not up to the task of trying to handle our own uniqueness .
13 New policing strategies The commitment of large numbers of police officers to the task of keeping the pits open made it impossible for the National Union of Mineworkers to achieve a total shut-down in domestic coal production .
14 Some critics are scathing about the vogue for ‘ child-centred ’ schemes that fail ( allegedly ) to provide young people with even the rudiments of human culture ; they believe that contemporary views of childhood and childcare are unequal to the task of producing in children such socially desirable qualities as competence , co-operation , responsibility , social sensitivity and moral awareness .
15 The thin gown of emerald green silk was quite inadequate to the task of concealing what lay beneath .
16 And his German was hardly up to the task of pursuing the matter .
17 Again , there are those who would quarrel with this view but let me tell you that we all have a mentor , an inner teacher , a guardian angel , a being of light who protects us and is totally dedicated to the task of leading us to the point of self-realization , to bring about the harmony and peace for which we pray .
18 Teachers must rise to the task of making sure that when parents come to judge schools they do so in a way which identifies — and , in so doing , promotes — genuine quality .
19 I well remember , for example , friends numbered among Professor ( now Sir ) James Baddiley 's cohorts , all of them bent to the task of unscrambling the structures of different chunks of bacterial cell wall .
20 Microbiologists are bending the new techniques of genetic engineering to the task of training microorganisms to degrade these chemicals in contaminated soil and water .
21 The giant brick structures were laid during the earliest days of the industrial revolution in Manchester , several decades before London got down to the task of comprehensive sanitation for its citizens .
22 The simplest form of reading is often thought to be children ‘ looking at pictures ’ , but children need to bring a number of skills to the task of reading picture-books if they are to read the pictures with understanding .
23 However , although agencies take a lot of the work out of finding an employee , and can be particularly useful if interviewer(s) are part of a voluntary committee which has limited time to devote to the task of appointing new staff , they have the disadvantage that you are limited in your choice by the number of people who have themselves registered with the agency .
24 It can be dangerous for one to stay with his gun while the other returns to the task of retrieving the ferrets that may have emerged in the meantime .
25 The relationship between conversion and culture is of enormous importance to the task of evangelism and church planting .
26 The image of ‘ basket power ’ possessed by women cooperators was a formidable and persistent one , and the guild applied itself to the task of arousing women to a sense of this leverage .
27 Sir Michael Edwardes was appointed to the task of rescuing the company in 1977 and in the next five years attempted to reduce excessive centralisation in the company and to improve efficiency , which involved many plant closures and redundancies .
28 As one of the Trust 's honorary Vice Presidents he was closely consulted during the rebuilding process , with particular reference to the task of manufacturing the Caprotti gear and decision to fit a Kylchap blastpipe .
29 There is a fascinating variety to the task of providing advice and enforcing legislation , and of persuading management and workers alike in an effort to reduce the misery and cost of accidents and ill health .
30 Crusoe 's fabled isle contained all he needed to sustain life — given , that is , that he had rescued so much of use from the wreck , not forgetting a Bible ; and Defoe 's most compelling point was that the island is a self-sufficient place to anyone who can bring courage to the task of living in it , along with an inherited faith and a few tools .
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