Example sentences of "to [noun] [coord] became " in BNC.

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1 Thomas was a younger son and it seems he had no interest in the business ; he went to university and became a teacher .
2 In the first multiparty elections since 1968 , Frederick Chiluba , leader of the Movement for Multiparty Democracy ( MMD ) , was elected President on Oct. 31 , ending the 27-year rule of Kenneth Kaunda , who led Zambia to independence and became its first President in October 1964 [ see p. 20373 ] .
3 When Lewis himself was speaking , it was not always easy to find a tame atheist who was prepared to come along and be mauled in public debate ; for on these occasions he reverted to type and became again the P'daytabird prosecuting an unlikely prisoner in the Belfast police courts .
4 Our main inference was that as insectivorous primates radiated within the forest they took to fruit-eating and became diurnal .
5 He returned to England and became the leading supporter of Edward Baliol [ q.v. ] in Baliol 's attempt to secure the Scottish throne for himself and the restoration of their lands for the disinherited .
6 He was also a sun god as Harakhty , Horus of the Horizon , and as Horus of Behdet , and was the son of Osiris and Isis as Horus , as Monthu was local to Thebes and became the king 's god of warfare in the New Kingdom , when Thebes was the capital .
7 At times we hear of men with charge over more than one civitas ; thus Nicetius , who had actually been removed from comital office in the Auvergne , resorted to bribery and became dux of the Auvergne , the Rutenois and Uzès .
8 Josslyn introduced co-operatives to Sligo and became the first landlord in Ireland to sell his land to his tenants after the 1903 Land Act .
9 But the two lifestyles were incompatible ; the herdsman followed — and later drove — his animals from grazing to grazing and became a nomad , whilst the gatherer settled down to till the soil and defend his crops from predators .
10 In 1870 he went to Manchester and became assistant first to J. C. Calvert and then to ( Sir ) Henry Roscoe [ q.v . ] .
11 This was because a slogan — which he himself coined — had been set to music and became a hit tune of the period : ‘ I-Scream , you scream .
12 He had worked on the optical specificity of certain enzymes ( one may remember that problems of optical activity first drew Pasteur from chemical to biological problems ) but was also devoted to music and became the music critic of a Berlin evening paper .
13 A few days after his birth , as she pulled herself to life and became indissolubly bound by bonds of tender passion to the helpless being she had created , she had wanted to kill him lovingly herself .
14 And so in the sanctuary of the triune Godhead , whose secrets we can never know , and whose mystery we must never probe , God the Father prepared him a body , and the Word from the beginning , the Son , humbly said , ‘ I come ’ and the Holy Spirit overshadowed a young woman of Israel so that the uncreated one was joined to creature-flesh and became man .
15 The railcoaches however , went from strength to strength and became the work-horses of the Blackpool system .
16 In later years he turned to golf and became one of the most successful amateur players in the history of the sport in Canada .
17 After work in Scotland , Christina moved to London and became research officer for the General Federation of Trade Unions .
18 He returned to Edinburgh and became laboratory assistant to ( Sir ) Lyon Playfair ( later first Baron Playfair of St Andrews , q.v. ) , professor of chemistry at Edinburgh University .
19 One fifth of Logan 's ( Un ) votes at Stage Xl went away from UUUC to UPNI or became non-transferable .
20 The Caesars eventually turned to Christianity and became Popes .
21 My parents died when I was twenty , my sister moved up to Lancashire and became a nurse and got married , and that was the family gone .
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