Example sentences of "it round [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I go past the creeper-covered bunker at the end of the façade and follow it round into the Mall , until I am facing Admiralty Arch .
2 Panning the camcorder , that is swinging it round through a horizontal arc , is a camera movement often used to excess by amateurs .
3 She 'd just taken it round to a local dealer to get his opinion confirmed .
4 If it 's negative , how are you going to turn it round to a positive .
5 What can I do to turn it round to a positive .
6 Most of you simply because they have no shame , now bringing it round to a spiritual thing , how can we show that we , where it describes there beggars for the spirit , it really means having no shame whatsoever in the truth , never hold back in demanding really , what your requirements are in the way of spiritual things and a good mirror to this is analyze yourself and ask yourself what am I like , am I really a beggar in spirit , what am I like when the magazines come ?
7 We took it round to a friend 's , did n't we ?
8 But to reach the third , Nicholas bent low and , crossing the ditch like a lizard , reached the base of the wall and , in its shadow , followed it round to the left , John and the other two following .
9 The impresario scribbled on a copy of Arts-Spectacles and turned it round to the girl .
10 I slide it through the crack at the edge of Vinne Dirkin 's front door and work it round to the bolt of the Yale .
11 Well they go for it round to the erm cemetery .
12 Erm can you take it , take it round to the in there as well .
13 you could bring it round to the corner .
14 So I was spinning the cam round , it had n't got pinned to the shaft , just spinning it round on the shaft and these pawls were doing this and Les , the top one , he went to Kettering and then Don , the next top one , he went to er
15 But at the time of building I think it was just continued practice from the victorian days to run it round on the top .
16 Turned it round on the way back driving merrily towards the arch very happily past the pub on the left and the playing fields where they were about to play rugby I suspect .
17 Just write it on a memo form Paul and send it round with a circulation slip , and those who feel they want to get involved put their name down , probably the quickest way of doing it .
18 Yeah , dab it round with a
19 Lāla Bahādur started to play with its stringy tail — twirling it round in the air , twisting and tugging it back from the socket — trying to provoke a reaction that would jar it to life .
20 It 's like a a rou round disc that screwed on and as that wore at the back you used to just slacken the screw slightly and turn it round until a little bit more of it wore and then you turn it round again until the whole thing was worn down .
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