Example sentences of "it seems to have been " in BNC.

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1 It seems to have been submitted as part of his doctoral thesis by an American postgraduate student named Osbert Mint .
2 It seems to have been this last line which caused the editors of the Annotated Index to the Cantos of Ezra Pound to provide one of the few pieces of misinformation in that admirable work .
3 Henry Newbolt was at this time Hewlett 's neighbour in Wiltshire , and it seems to have been at this Christmas time that Hewlett took Pound to see Newbolt , who figures elsewhere in Canto 80 :
4 It seems to have been based on real understanding , but little real intimacy .
5 It seems to have been completed by the start of July .
6 For instance , she helped by letter a Lancashire mill lad seeking advice on the use of his few square feet of soil ( it seems to have been an attic window box in Rochdale ) and followed this up with a postal package of plants , bulbs , and pebbles to complete his project .
7 Worrying his head off , scratching about for the rent , weathering one disappointment after another — it seems to have been like that all the way .
8 The present text , his first novel , strikes me as amusing , irritating , and impressive in about equal degrees , and for all I know it might well have been composed rather than written ; certainly it seems to have been constructed in 64 chapters based on the hexagrams of the I Ching — it is subtitled A Novel of Changes , in case anyone should miss this — with frequent references to Marco Polo 's own writings , in Ronald Latham 's Penguin translation .
9 It seems to have been working — up to a point at least — and even members of the opposition Popular Front agree that he has been accepted by many Moldavians .
10 This is a person who sees nothing to recommend the Duomo at Siena ( ‘ it seems to have been got by outlining ’ ) , nor Sienese painting in general : ‘ evidence of love ; but not of art …
11 It seems to have been enough , as was the amount delivered by the big but war-disrupted relief programme that followed the 1987 drought .
12 It seems to have been in the Eastern seaports of colonial America that the fruit acquired its association with hospitality .
13 It seems to have been Charles ' policy to broaden the education and leadership of his sons , and at the same time not to allow them to become too entrenched in their own subkingdoms .
14 As it turned out , it seems to have been inspired by a desire to bolster government policy rather than to make an objective assessment of the state of trees .
15 It seems to have been against creative law that the female should be endowed with morals .
16 Firstly , it seems to have been well established at the time that Darrel was having some sort of incestuous relationship with his sister , a woman several years younger but only slightly less wayward than her brother .
17 But it seems to have been equally rare for young couples in the poorer classes to help their ageing parents by providing them with houseroom .
18 It seems to have been a happy marriage and Ximena bore Rodrigo two daughters .
19 Certainly , as Wilson used it , it seems to have been as much an instrument of personnel management as one of Cabinet government .
20 As both organizations were undergoing far-reaching reforms , a tightly specified brief was not required and , in the event , it seems to have been changes in the Foreign Office structure which led to the abandonment of that part of the competition .
21 It seems to have been the only scheme to attempt an irregular solution , with recessed fronts to both offices towards the east and west sides of the site .
22 All the music here was recorded at the ‘ Fiddlesticks ’ Festival held at University College , Cork , in January of this year , before an enthusiastic audience — and a sober one , by the sound of it : although this is music that lives in the pubs , it seems to have been presented here in a concert that took it seriously , with real respect .
23 I would love more people to be aware of the sometimes painfully beautiful music that Gál wrote , but ( and I do no injustice to his shade ) I would n't try to convince anyone of his stature on the basis of the music for mandolin and piano recorded here : it seems to have been composed for the sheer enjoyment of the players — well-tuned , amiable , and slightly unmemorable stuff .
24 Whilst there has been some confusion as to exactly what ‘ remoteness ’ consists of ( it seems to have been equated to distance from London whereas it would seem to be psychological remoteness in the sense of inaccessibility of decision-makers which really matters ) , the lesson nevertheless seems clear .
25 Rather oddly , in the context of a crisis in which the abolition of the House of Lords was under consideration , it seems to have been assumed that this reservation would present a realistic safeguard against a majority party in the House of Commons seeking to keep its government in power indefinitely rather than face the country .
26 With the last three murders it seems to have been pure chance that a suitable victim did , in fact , come along . ’
27 Little information has survived about the scale of the pilgrimages , usually at their greatest on the Saint 's Day , 3 April , but it seems to have been in the usual boisterous medieval tradition , both sacred and profane .
28 Surprisingly , it seems to have been the only instance of monastic dissolution in the county which was resisted by the locals .
29 It seems to have been about then that he mentioned for the first time that he thought he was being poisoned with acqua toffana ( a notorious Italian poison ) .
30 And it seems to have been a monumental over-reaction by the British Olympic Association , to send the pair home in a pantomime of sealed letters and secret flights under assumed names .
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