Example sentences of "it does not need " in BNC.

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1 It does not need a lawyer either to draw up any document or to advise you although you may wish to consult a professional adviser if a particularly large sum is involved or if there are complicated conditions surrounding the gift .
2 The Government has stuffed the authority so full of cash -it is being privatised with £242m of cash in its balance sheet ( equivalent to more than £140 for every person in the region ) — that it does not need any medium-term credit facilities .
3 for instance , ‘ it does not need an exceptionally vivid imagination to realise the extent to which people of different ages would become obsessed by the discrepancies arising in a society in which age was the only distinguishing feature ’ .
4 It does not need a PRS licence as copyright exists for only 50 years .
5 Continental says it does not need the hassle of a complex merger .
6 It does not need great intelligence or ‘ professionalism ’ to realise that the dispersal of those kinds of books is not the same thing as clearing popular fiction .
7 It does not need a piano as such and , given time , can produce results comparable with good conventional performances , provided the operator is musically minded and can move at least one part of the body at will .
8 Obviously , if it ensues from the two variables originally considered , it does not need to be controlled .
9 It does not need to be taught like mathematics or French .
10 We have not stressed so frequently the importance of liaison with our own colleagues , arguing ( with sometimes dubious validity ) that because it ‘ happens all the time ’ it does not need to be explicitly provided .
11 It does not need a gearbox , and it needs little maintenance .
12 As a result , a nation could find itself with huge quantities of substances which it does not need — which is precisely the American experience .
13 A cat is less demanding ( it does not need to be taken for walks for a start ) and a fish even less so , ( although some expensive tropical fish need careful temperature control and special food ) .
14 And so it deposits the extra calories it does not need as fat .
15 The Tri-D offers excellent stability , as innumerable constructors around the world would verity , and it has the advantage of the traditional Box kite in that it does not need a bridle , and flies very w – from a directly attached line .
16 Since the abalone is rather like a large snail in having a protruding ‘ foot ’ , it does not need to be opened in the same way as a mussel for the otter to eat it .
17 Surely it does not need this insulation even during the chilliest nights in the jungle ?
18 Nor does it need any familiarity with the object ; that is , it does not need to have experienced those two views in association beforehand .
19 This does not settle a continuing debate but it does not need to .
20 The Deutsche Bundespost Telekom has realised that it does not need a change in the German constitution to privatise its cellular telephone business , and has decided that as it is in keen need of cash for investment , it will go ahead and do it ahead of its own privatisation .
21 Even if BT gets over the hurdle of proving it does not need a licence , it will still face restrictions on the types of service it can offer .
22 Basle 's basic principle is that if the country exporting a waste does not regard it as hazardous , it does not need to ask the consent of the importing country in order to ship it .
23 Some of Orion 's new unknown authors are quite exceptional , and with the amalgamation with Chapmans , whose paperback list will start to reappear as Orion from September , it does not need to buy as much padding for the sake of publishing as Pocket might .
24 It does not need one ; it is a part of science and can adhere to the scientific Weltanschauung .
25 Your chair needs to support your spine , cushion your bottom and be at a convenient height for writing — but it does not need to be upholstered or to swivel or to have a head/footrest or whatever .
26 But , it does not need to occur all at once .
27 It does not need , for that protection , to have the right to sue in defamation and thereby be able to stifle legitimate public criticism of its activities .
28 Indeed in some ways the proof is rather simpler than Theorem 1 , since it does not need such a complex structure of nested recursions .
29 For a melody to be memorable it does not need to be complex or extremely ‘ different ’ .
30 One of the benefits of the ANLT 's morphological system is that it does not need to explicitly store all of the words it knows .
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