Example sentences of "it so difficult [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So why did she find it so difficult to ignore the mocking , taunting comments and treat them with the silent scorn they so richly deserved ?
2 It also helps congregations understand why they are finding it so difficult to reach ‘ resistant areas ’ for which they feel a responsibility .
3 SOME banks make it so difficult to open an account .
4 Why is it that some people find it so difficult to accommodate the idea that providing immediate relief to human suffering can go alongside campaigning for longer term solu-tions ?
5 It is because of this historical dimension to the religion that those arguing ( for example ) for the ordination of women apparently find it so difficult to say , in the way in which it has been possible to maintain in the sphere of politics , that we hold these truths to be self-evident , that all human beings are created equal and must not be discriminated against .
6 That we are able to speak to each other gives rise to the complexity of language-games that we are able to play , yet find it so difficult to describe .
7 If we all agree that change is required then why is it so difficult to implement ?
8 It must now face the imperial impotence that Britain has found it so difficult to adapt to .
9 ‘ Is it so difficult to put into words what I can read on your face ?
10 His visits were regarded as occasions for embarrassment rather than pleasure or consolation , and he was left wondering why , when his motives were generous , these people should find it so difficult to respond with a matching warmth .
11 On the other hand the modern world , which finds it so difficult to deal with evil , nearly always treats the Devil as a figure of fun if it rejects the monster personification .
12 And answer me this : if it was so easy to chop Woman 's Hour why is it so difficult to abolish the House of Lords ?
13 All items need looking at : benefits , child care allowances , maintenance and the court procedures which make it so difficult to vary an order .
14 ‘ Do you really find it so difficult to keep your mind on your work , Nurse Avery ? ’
15 Why was it so difficult to get ministers to meet ( a judgement , incidentally , buttressed by a careful reading of the Franks Report ) ?
16 These patients can experience many kinds of problems when in a different environment such as increased stiffening of the back and limbs due to lack of exercise because they find it so difficult to get out of the hospital chair ; and incontinence for the same reason .
17 After all — had n't one of the things that had made it so difficult to get over Tony been the fact that he 'd got off scot-free ?
18 , I did n't know that one had gone , usually it 's the bulb over there that had gone , but I find it so difficult to get at , you change it .
19 In these matters I will say what I believe is best and if you find it so difficult to work with me , then write to my father prior .
20 He found it so difficult to concentrate .
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