Example sentences of "it was possible [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He knew he 'd convince her ; he was offering all the best ingredients of a successful untruth — it was possible without being obvious , surprising without being mysterious .
2 Many players , as it happened , were coming near to the age of retirement , so it was possible over a period of six or seven years to make the orchestra young again .
3 It was possible with only a small selection of gouges to find the appropriate one to fit the circumference of the eyeball , using the gouge on both sides .
4 I found it was possible with Paradise to talk about individual and personal responsibility , something which if set in a contemporary context would have had a preachy feel about it . ’
5 At first , this largely involved the search for loop-holes in central government legislation : if , for example , the rules suggested that future grant depended on spending in a particular year , then it was possible with little difficulty to prepare the accounts to show that spending had been higher or lower that year ( whichever was the required answer ) , More important , perhaps , as time went on , it become common for councils and their treasurers to seek new sources of funding which were not covered by the rules or were covered by different rules .
6 It was possible with work-card and booklets to give scope and variety to this work as well as necessary structure , and " the members of the team in their original discussions , will have built into the courses the skills and techniques they think should be learnt and practised by eleven-year-olds. " ( op. cit. : 8 )
7 It was possible at this time to cross the harbour by stepping from one boat to another , so closely were they moored .
8 Because Sandy was embarked on a marriage and a career pointing him in a more conventional direction than mine , planning the sort of life that looked to me to have more obviously evolved from the background I 'd put behind me , it did n't seem to me that he would have had the wherewithal — ‘ morally ’ , as I would have been quick to say then — to help me through my predicament or , if he did , that it was possible for me with my values , to solicit his assistance .
9 The case highlights the extent to which it was possible for the religious intellectuals to misjudge exactly where the consensus lay , as well as the extent to which an evolving historical situation which created areas for new decision-making provided the field for a new power contest .
10 I did not know it was possible for foie gras to be tasteless , but the complete omission of seasoning certainly showed I was wrong .
11 Ramsey realized that it was possible for a mind to inhabit a partly unreal world .
12 The new generation of producers that subsequently emerged came to believe it was possible for the British film industry to ‘ take on ’ the Americans , although this grand ambition had more to do with a desire to efface their inferiority complex than any serious resolve to face reality .
13 It did n't require much capital to manufacture the equipment or produce the short films , and for some time it was possible for small craftsmen on the British model to keep up with the big boys in France or the US .
14 Angie Bowie : ‘ I never realized and had never been involved in who did what , but I suppose that amounts to , if one wants to look at it from Ken 's point of view , being the fly in the ointment , or of one wants to look at it from a real point of view as , in terms of property settlement and management , that I was being David 's manager at that particular time , because it was possible for me to advise him to do something about the things that really troubled him artistically .
15 Eventually things got cool enough for the protons and neutrons to fuse and form atomic nuclei ; later still it was possible for electrons to cling to the nuclei , thus creating atoms .
16 By a process of ‘ abstraction ’ , moreover , it was possible for these general notions to be ‘ impressed ’ on our minds or intellects , thus making it possible for us to think in terms of them .
17 Now it was possible for a settlor who conveyed land to A to direct him to hold to the use of B ; and then to direct that , on the happening of an event , e.g. B 's marriage , B's use should shift to C. This use in favour of C was a shifting use .
18 Of course , it was possible for people to accept Paisley 's political analyses and the need for evangelicals to be politically involved and yet not support the particular organizational expressions of those views which Paisley led .
19 Inhabitants of the stricken city taking refuge in adjacent parts of Lower Franconia , where many had relatives , asked ‘ how it was possible for the Führer to allow a systematic destruction of our German Fatherland ’ .
20 He reminded North that it was possible for an American to disagree with him on that particular , ‘ and still love God , and still love this country just as much as you do ’ ; although He was regularly asked to do so , ‘ God does not take sides in American politics . ’
21 Then someone fell out and it was possible for me to do the Figaro myself .
22 Until I was lent this , I had not realised it was possible for members of the public to get their hands on such things .
23 Chris Law , who had calculated it was possible for him to stay in the series , led the fleet after a blinding first beat sailed in a wind of 20 knots .
24 For this reason she remained at Saint Cloud while the Ministers remained in Paris , since it was possible for them to consult the Regent if they thought it necessary .
25 I did n't think it was possible for somebody to stand in the middle of the fairway and say it 's an iron of any description .
26 Consequently , it was possible for them ( but not for Christians , because they rejected pantheism ) to speak of a world-soul that could measure time , and this was , in fact , the answer given by Plotinus to Aristotle 's question .
27 Everything they had seen had registered in their subconscious mind without them even being aware of it and , using hypnosis , it was possible for them to recall facts and images they did not even realise they knew .
28 The Court of Appeal rejected the view that had previously held sway , namely that it was possible for any employee to work both ordinarily in Great Britain and outside it .
29 In Newham there were better domiciliary services in 1984 than in Ipswich ( for example it was possible for someone to have seven-day-a-week home help and meals-on-wheels cover ; there were day centres and day hospitals , and a good deal of voluntary organisation provision ) .
30 It was possible for a person to be given a legacy on the understanding that he would manumit a slave .
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