Example sentences of "it is [adv] doing " in BNC.

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1 In an act of knee-jerk political correctness , the University of Washington in Seattle has sold all its Microsoft Corp shares because it is again doing business in South Africa .
2 But at the same time it is surely doing more than assert what God is not .
3 Its main use is as a riding/tool/brake vehicle on winter works trains , but it is also doing temporary duty as a tickets/sales vehicle at Bala on busy days in the season .
4 The 40 staff execute 3,500 trades a day on average , and Vine-Lott has set himself a target of more than doubling that in five years ' time , including a considerable proportion on behalf of other institutions , such as the Halifax Building Society , for whom it is already doing work , as well as other brokers and banks .
5 We already have the first stage of economic and monetary union — the exchange rate mechanism — and it is already doing great damage to Britain .
6 As a result , abattoir owners are beginning to speculate that the operating framework of the beef sector could swing overwhelmingly towards exports — as it is already doing with lamb .
7 The AS/400 business is widely hailed as one of IBM 's few current successes : in fact it 's a failure — it should have won every System/36 user by now , and have won enough formerly non-IBM customers to be running at between $25,000m and $30,000m a year , not the $14,000m it is currently doing .
8 When you shorten distances between elements in a line of jumps , the horse simply has to bring its hocks under more than it is currently doing … while doing so the horse has to shift more weight from its forehand to its quarters , which are thus lowered and ‘ engaged ’ .
9 provide something on doing erm etc. , and we call it we call it but what it is actually doing , it has halved the traffic , that 's what its about , giving us the back pedestrian , back but the traffic still come through .
10 Er and it is actually doing a useful job .
11 This series started slowly , but it is now doing very well ; it would be a mistake to underestimate the potential of either of these titles .
12 BT can afford to take a smaller profit , of course , but it is only doing that because it has been shamed into doing so by its customers .
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