Example sentences of "it to be true " in BNC.

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1 She could not be certain that she wanted it to be true .
2 We at first wanted to know each other , then knowing became friends , and every day as our knowledge increased , greater liking , deeper sympathy , and so on to love and feeling our love , knowing it to be true , pure , and everlasting ; then the desire for the perfect life of unity , and then of giving the world the benefit of our love by a little child .
3 Geometrical demonstrations which prove something to be true of all triangles do not do so by proving it to be true of an abstract triangle to which all triangles correspond .
4 I 'd written that , and knew it to be true .
5 ‘ The People ’ , endearingly , believe it to be true .
6 But I also believe it to be true .
7 ‘ I should like it to be true . ’
8 Did her excitement at the way the evidence fitted together mean she wanted it to be true ?
9 I certainly wanted it to be true because I was the only boy ( well , nearly the only boy ) in our class never to have had a girlfriend and I was beginning to feel a bit left out .
10 But I believe it to be true that in many corners of Christendom spiritual warfare is no longer a central concern .
11 And although such an eventuality was beyond my imagination ( like trying to envisage infinity ) and utterly unacceptable to me , I still knew it to be true .
12 If I had admitted to being cold , I should also have had to admit that I was hungry , and this was something I was incapable of doing — if only because I did n't believe it to be true .
13 But the reason for the discussion was that recently , he had found it to be true .
14 Montano reacts to this inversion of the truth with the correct response ( assuming it to be true ) which Iago has elicited from him , namely that Othello ought to be told ; at which point Iago demurs , with the pretence of friendship : From that declaration , after the ensuing brawl , Iago has built himself a platform from which he can now act the perfect friend : As we alone know , to get the truth from what Iago says about Cassio one must simply invert everything he says .
15 There is every indication that he believed it to be true , whether it was or not .
16 If one believes it to be true that Christ is the Son of God one sees why one should be Christian .
17 I believe it to be true of all such moves that they are dubiously orthodox .
18 " I do n't see how you can go too far , in the right direction , " said Clara , not for the sake of saying it , but because , on some level , she profoundly believed it to be true .
19 The notion that " one hour 's sleep before midnight is worth two afterwards " has perennially been invoked to put children to bed early ( although only 10 per cent of the survey sample believed it to be true ) .
20 What it is in general for a thing a to have the power to produce b is for it to be true that an individual property or properties of a , together with other things , will constitute a causal circumstance for b .
21 The proper reply , which accepts the fact that we may rightly have some suspicion of a view on the ground that its proponent wants it to be true , is that the satisfactions afforded by indeterminist as against determinist claims of one kind and another are far greater .
22 An obvious instance would be the contrast between the suggestion that although we understand the proposition that God exists , we could have no evidence that it is true , and the suggestion that the proposition is incomprehensible to us , and hence a fortiori we can neither know it to be true nor be justified in believing it .
23 He may admit ( unwisely again ) that in using that proposition as a premise he is implicitly claiming to know it to be true .
24 But by our first truism about truth , for it to be true that there 's honey is just for there to be honey .
25 Panicked , she did n't want it to be true , because if it was , it increased the threat he constituted a thousandfold .
26 Until now he had never believed it to be true , that something as heavy as gold could fall naturally from the sky .
27 A negligent misrepresentation is one made by someone who believes it to be true but has no reasonable grounds for so believing , e.g. a car dealer who claims as having been made in 1959 , a car of a type not manufactured before 1960 .
28 A completely innocent misrepresentation is one made by someone who genuinely and on reasonable grounds believes it to be true .
29 I do not want to dwell on it ; we know it to be true .
30 Although I am questioned on this in moments of crisis , I firmly believe it to be true .
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