Example sentences of "it to the ground " in BNC.

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1 After a pause for calculation , he added : ‘ And then I 'd have tethered it to the ground . ’
2 Carl Glenn , a commission investigator , describing events in El Chorrillo , a poor , primarily Black neighbourhood located near the Panamanian Defense Force headquarters , where 10,000 were made homeless , said : US troops bombed the community , shelled it with heavy artillery , strafed it and finally burned it to the ground .
3 Moses ' staff changed into a snake when Aaron threw it to the ground before Pharaoh .
4 If it does catch it , it knocks it to the ground and then grabs its throat in its strong jaws , killing it by suffocation .
5 When the claimant was a relative or friend , the first reaction after the hugs and kisses was to take hold of the label round the child 's neck , tear it off and throw it to the ground .
6 His phobia had spread to his grooms when Raimundo 's even crueller predecessor had broken the leg of a grey filly , hurling it to the ground for branding , and the following day he had died of snake bite .
7 You needed to use imagination to see through it to the ground below .
8 He was only restrained from burning it to the ground by Harcourt , who urged him to ‘ be a little less impetuous and content yourself with what you have done ’ .
9 The city continued to thrive until a massive earthquake razed it to the ground in 749AD .
10 Terrified that it would try to escape or fly away , and not wanting to risk the Corporal 's anger , I pinned it to the ground by leaning a large stone against it .
11 He and Buccleuch then went to Hector of Hardlaw 's house and burned it to the ground .
12 The spirit was dissuaded from returning to haunt the living by the relatives placing soil on the corpse to fasten it to the ground , putting burning embers outside the door to bar its path and whispering in its ear the plea that it would not return .
13 Pipkin put it to the ground .
14 They are quite capable of grabbing a solitary puffin in mid-air with their beaks or even beating it to the ground with blows of their wings .
15 The most notable of these was the occasion when faced alone by an escaped lion she single-handedly wrestled it to the ground and
16 After the kick is executed , he returns the leg that has kicked it to the ground and immediately follows up with a roundhouse kick off the opposite leg , using the front leg as a support .
17 Both men were making angry gestures and at one point Fernand brandished the crowbar under Gebrec 's nose before flinging it to the ground in a melodramatic gesture of apparent capitulation .
18 He offered the pink blossom to his chick , who twirled it in front of her briefly lit face before dropping it to the ground .
19 ‘ I asked Sir John to burn it to the ground but Rachel played him like a piece of string around her finger .
20 Then , with a sudden change of mood , he shouted , ‘ Well , I 'm not going to be spied on any longer ! ’ and dashed it to the ground .
21 Fifteen years earlier Philip 's troops had attacked his father 's village and razed it to the ground , wiping out in one night Eudo 's brothers and sisters , as well as his young wife and child .
22 Did he tear an apple off the tree and smash it to the ground ?
23 Wolsey had bought the manor of Hampton from the Knights Hospitallers , levelled it to the ground and , bringing in craftsmen from every part of Europe , built a palace breath-taking in its opulent beauty .
24 FOUR years after it was burned it to the ground in a disastrous fire , a Catholic church is rising from the ashes .
25 At one point he grew so angry he failed to blow any kind of a note on his horn ; he dashed it to the ground in a fury of petulance .
26 He gave one last poke with the bat and , throwing it to the ground , clasped both hands and raised them above his head .
27 razed it to the ground
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