Example sentences of "it ought to be " in BNC.

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1 Probably having keys would bee greeted with horror by some , but it ought to be possible to rationalise the finger holes .
2 If in Cosi it is the women who are put upon , then in L'Italiana in Algeri it is the eponymous heroine who wears the trousers — or so , at least , it ought to be .
3 But whether a monetarist or exchange rate policy is preferred it ought to be clear that the country can no longer endure an ambiguous mix of the two .
4 Mr Ford has shown an absence of leadership and an absence of grasp of what this country is and what it ought to be . ’
5 Now , I leave entirely on one side the question why on earth the present ratio between profits and incomes generally is so supremely right that for all time it ought to be preserved , or at any rate allowed only to diminish , regardless of anything else that happens , such as the growth of savings and accumulation of capital .
6 It may not be a legal partnership , but it ought to be one ethically .
7 The view is never as good as it ought to be .
8 The Sports Council will await Universiade GB 's concurrence with the deal before nominating their man , but it ought to be one of their members with business acumen — which means either David Simon of BP , who is most unlikely to have the time , Raymond Michel , formerly with a distillery , or Norman Jacobs , a partner in one of Britain 's largest firms of solicitors .
9 It ought to be high .
10 Maybe , now that they know it works and if they are embold-Clare Shearer as Rosina ened , it will grow during the run into the big , bold bellylaugh it ought to be , forgetting operatic pretensions to high art and closer to situation comedy .
11 No cleverer than it ought to be
12 The first is deciding what kind of investment bank it ought to be .
13 For me , I think the last paragraph in my paper in the Speaker of the week before last [ ‘ Shadows of the Hills ’ ] was pretty good ; but it ought to be in verse .
14 From saying that a thing ought to belong to a man , that it ought to be used for his benefit , you come to saying that it actually is his , ‘ in equity ’ or ‘ in conscience ’ .
15 We still find Christian undergraduates entering universities , and ordinands coming into theological colleges , who have no idea of the tremendous advances that have been made in biblical scholarship and whose first contact with historical criticism is a dismaying and frightening experience instead of , as I think it ought to be , a liberating and wholly enhancing experience .
16 I will be arguing in this address that we have been as guilty as many other sections of our community in treating it too lightly , or in putting it lower down in our order of priorities than it ought to be ; but it has never been entirely absent from Christian thought or theology .
17 I received a few not so long ago complaining about this place , saying that it does not speak of God ; that it is a monument to a man-made religion ; that it ought to be pulled down and a block of flats built here instead , and the money spent on missionary work abroad .
18 He was slim and attractive , certainly , but his body was not quite as tense and muscular as he felt it ought to be .
19 ‘ The imagination is the distinguishing characteristic of man as a progressive being ; and I repeat that it ought to be carefully guided and strengthened as the indispensable means and instrument of continued amelioration and refinement . ’
20 But it is hard to resist this plan put before me and indeed it ought to be tried since I have no other resource .
21 If I understand him aright , it ought to be possible to show that Descartes ' stripping away of the ‘ accidental ’ qualities of objects is illegitimate , because based on a series of elisions of meaning between one use of an expression and another where the two expressions look the same but have different meanings .
22 Soon someone will have to say boo to this goose fattened up for foie gras , and it ought to be someone British .
23 There were plenty of vile smells , and the train was colder than it ought to be .
24 If any of the Lords or great ‘ Herren ’ in England wished to lay out an new garden or remake an old one , Mr. Miller would always show them how it ought to be done .
25 I 'm not all that religious , I reckon you can be good without goin' to Church , and that , but I know wickedness when I see it , and it ought to be put a stop to . ’
26 It ought to be the easiest thing in the world . ’
27 Moreover , the surveyor will feel you do n't wish to involve yourself and his allegiance will be inclined towards the building society or bank , instead of to you which is as it ought to be .
28 But , if a reference is given , it ought to be accurate .
29 It ought to be possible to get to a position where we can say with regard to a specific query : ‘ These are the most inherently valuable sources available worldwide ‘ about ’ that subject . ’
30 If the general approach is fairly robust , it ought to be that the relationship between population and land cover is fairly stable , so that we would expect the model coefficients to be similar to those obtained from the ward data .
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