Example sentences of "it could [adv] afford " in BNC.

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1 The Midland spent more than £1bn on acquisitions round the world between 1979 and 1981 , money it could barely afford because of its capital weakness .
2 The danger to an investor would be if the investment trust 's net asset value fell so much that it could not afford to meet its commitments to the zero dividend preference shareholders .
3 It could not afford to be seen as a drain on the taxpayer and it should be relevant to the times .
4 The District 's Annual Report for 1959–60 said that , although the WEA 's national officers were still trying to achieve this increased grant , the Eastern had exceptionally-strong claims and accordingly ‘ we are now pressing for special consideration ’ : in other words , Jacques was arguing with the Ministry that , even if it could not afford 90% grant to the WEA as a whole , could this not be allowed to the Eastern District individually ?
5 It could not afford the political cost of conceding yet more Arab territory to the new Jewish state .
6 When it became known that the Government had said it could not afford to honour Nelson 's wishes and help her out , the tradesmen to whom she still owed money closed in .
7 While the state could not develop without female labour ( at one time , as a result of Stalin 's purges and World War II , there were 40% more women than men in the working population ) , equally , it could not afford to replace the role of the wife and mother in the home .
8 Previously the government had argued that the slave trade was so profitable that the traders could pay for their own forts , but by the mid-eighteenth century this attitude had changed to an acceptance of the fact that the trade was so necessary for the sugar islands ( and the sugar islands so necessary for the British economy ) that the trade would have to be supported if it could not afford to meet these overhead costs .
9 Joseph Payne , an Alex Brown & Sons would let loose a huge supply of stock onto the market and fund managers would n't stand for it — a rather naive statement since the non-executive directors would be in breach of their fiduciary duty if they allowed IBM to pay a dividend they judged it could not afford .
10 Some large firms have found it impossible to match competitors ' spending : Jaguar found it could not afford the costs of developing the next generation of engines and models and was forced to sell out to Ford in 1989 for £1.6 billion .
11 The company was engaged in a delicate balancing act ; it could not afford first-rate machinery or transport until it had expanded , but it could not expand ( as a wholesaler at least ) until it improved quality through more sophisticated machinery .
12 However , the Czech government contended that it could not afford to stop selling arms until substitute industries were in place .
13 Darlington Council said it could not afford to finance the celebrations itself because of its financial situation .
14 He claimed Strathclyde could not legally authorise projects it could not afford .
15 His Edinburgh roots are freely attacked by the other members , who call the city 's fabulous medieval showpiece Spam Castle , claiming that the building cost Edinburgh so much that it could n't afford anything worth having .
16 And the revenue got mean and decided it could n't afford the time of serving officers and it left pre-retirement council and other bodies with a gap to fill er the only other people who are er professional if you like , who could fill it , would be accountants and they were n't available .
17 One , Federal Express just decided it would n't do it any more , and other other one Elan , a couple of weeks ago , or last week or whatever it was , decided it could n't afford to do it any more .
18 Last August the hospital had to close 26 beds because it could n't afford to staff them .
19 Last August the hospital had to close 26 beds because it could n't afford to staff them .
20 With England once more stabilized , it could now afford to look beyond its own divisions and take a role in the affairs of Europe .
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