Example sentences of "it be difficult [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Or has it been difficult and full of ‘ needle ’ and misunderstanding ?
2 See it 's difficult but then that 's , but it 's only practice
3 Yeah but we know it 's difficult but
4 The police er do n't refer a lot of things to us , I know it 's difficult but er I feel that we ought to have more occasions er where er we are made aware of things that happen and then we can help er in various ways by referrals to those agencies and of course , financially .
5 It 's difficult and expensive work . ’
6 It is difficult but very important to resist pressure of this kind .
7 It is difficult but will get easier with effort and practice .
8 It is difficult and expensive to move and to store , and soluble nutrients are lost from it quickly .
9 It is aerobic and helps build stamina but it is difficult and potentially dangerous in traffic ; and like jogging it is easy to overdo .
10 That it is difficult and highly scientific at all levels
11 It is difficult and must remain that way because history has left us with this difficulty .
12 It is difficult and hazardous to manipulate radioactivity using tweezers to increase the distance from the source , and we have therefore evaluated the shielding effect of the Eppendorf tube protector for this purpose .
13 With such a variety of similar instruments and competitive rates it is difficult and costly in time for all participants to know exactly the best terms and rates .
14 But Spenser also makes it clear that it is difficult and sometimes impossible to distinguish between the true and the false , regardless of how clear-sighted and self-controlled his masculine knights may be .
15 It is difficult and probably impossible to allow people thus abused to make statements in the press which can only interfere with the process of justice by which someone is tried .
16 But though they are not physical in their nature , and though it is difficult or impossible to conceive that they are physical in their origin , they are , for Darwin and his followers , factors in the evolutionary process in its physical or organic aspect .
17 Goods that yield benefits , either external or private , from which it is difficult or costly to exclude consumers are termed non-excludable , in contrast to goods like food , clothing or housing from which people can be easily excluded unless they pay for them .
18 It is difficult or often impossible to ‘ retrofit ’ records management controls to a system .
19 This is a particularly good way of entering and remaining in more distant markets , or in any market where it is difficult or impossible to export finished goods .
20 No , at first it was difficult but then I had the Wilsons to help me .
21 Over the next few months Endill began to hate his schoolwork more and more ; not because it was difficult and boring but because he thought what the teachers taught him was of no use .
22 It was difficult and steep , ’ he said .
23 I do n't believe I would ever have found my insects again if I had n't had a printed picture of the complete set of their evolutionary precursors , and even then it was difficult and tedious .
24 Mr Hulse said schools were easy targets for vandals and arsonists but it was difficult and expensive to monitor attacks .
25 This was accompanied by a late acknowledgement that it was difficult or impossible to direct education into new pathways while teachers and their unions retained their power .
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