Example sentences of "it [was/were] possible that " in BNC.

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1 I did not like the idea very much as Sid was a smoker , and if he lit up during the night it was possible that we both could end up with a Blighty , or worse !
2 Although it was possible that the site 's nuclear capacity would double in the future , there was no chance of a third power station .
3 He was quite happy to be Marcus 's dog , but it was possible that Marcus relied on his assuming some more dignified role .
4 Since the scale was twenty-three miles to an inch , it was possible that a deviation of two or three miles would not be marked , but that could not account for the tarmac .
5 For example , it could well have been that families of cave dwellers came to realise that it was possible that they could agree to respect the privacy and boundaries of their respective homes , and by so doing relieve themselves of the eternal vigilance likely to be necessary in the absence of such agreement .
6 Certainly she had seen something moving in the forest that day on Ridgery Steep , something fairly large , something white , and Allen had failed to see it ; but then it was possible that he had not looked in the right spot at the right moment and that his failure to see it was an accident .
7 ‘ I do n't know , ’ said Kāli : it was possible that the festival of ban pasāi had lost its association with the god of the forest before she was even born .
8 I suppose it was possible that after being handled they would forsake their young anyway .
9 It was possible that flares might be dropped .
10 It was possible that the whole of it could date from 1670 , having been made from two different pieces of silver .
11 Since the railways had come the post travelled more quickly , and it was possible that her grandfather already knew everything .
12 It was possible that even a reject like him could be of use in such a godforsaken spot .
13 On 2 October 1990 the inspector requested accounts of and details of transactions with one of the plaintiff 's subsidiaries , B ( Pte ) Ltd ( a Singapore company ) , as it was possible that this information would lead to the amendment of existing assessments .
14 However , Captain John Hughes Hallet of the Planning Staff turned these shallows to the raiders ' advantage , because on the extra-high water of a spring tide it was possible that lightly laden ships and boats might scrape over these flats .
15 It was possible that his return to Moila had been sparked by the notice in the papers of Mrs Hamilton 's death .
16 It was possible that you would come over to Moila , and of course there was nothing suspicious — about that .
17 It was possible that these men were nothing but a strong feint designed to draw the allies towards Charleroi while the real French thrust , fuelled by the Emperor 's presence , attacked twenty-five miles to the west at Mons.
18 It was unclear where responsibility for child-minders , registration of playgroups , etc. would rest in the new organisation , but it was possible that the new provisions in the Children Bill going through parliament would allow for those services to be provided through education departments .
19 It was possible that he would be detained and interned for the duration of the war which now seemed only hours or days away .
20 It was possible that this ineptitude revealed incipient senility .
21 They were unable to approach because of their draught and the weather , but with the rising tide and bad conditions it was possible that the stranded man might not survive until the lifeboat arrived .
22 It was possible that , like many of the casual spectators , the key members of the crew had all been frozen into temporary immobility by the looming presence of the ovoid , but Rostov was inclined to suspect the convenience of such a coincidence .
23 It was possible that recovery might be organised , and for that reason he would remain where he was at least until morning .
24 If the world was not as I perceived it then it was possible that I was not damned .
25 If Burun had originated the plot , it was possible that he felt some responsibility towards Sidacai .
26 Alexei 's father 's first wife was Jotan 's sister , and so it was possible that the suggestion was a serious one .
27 It was possible that Jotan was being overconfident , he thought , though there was no sign of the punt full of men .
28 She supposed it was possible that they were n't all dead .
29 It was possible that he , too , had not troubled himself with thoughts of her real life until he had seen her in the garden with Ben .
30 It was possible that the police would be able to provide him with some more samples of the suspect 's handwriting when they visited the lad 's place of work , but he did n't really need them .
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