Example sentences of "it [vb past] [art] lot " in BNC.

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1 It got a lot of airplay from John Peel , and was written up extensively by the music press .
2 Marlon may have got involved in a noble cause , but it got a lot of people 's backs up in the business .
3 It got a lot of visitors , passing heads , the curious , the indigent , the bombed out , the Hell 's Angels .
4 Ahmed : I must say that I did n't think much of the group when it was first set up because f felt that it wasted a lot of time whinging about all the things that were ‘ being handed to the Black workers on a plate because anti-racism was currently fashionable ’ .
5 Well it was the first hundred houses that were built in the New Town and it housed a lot of building trade workers , a lot of engineers and a lot of archi well a lot , a few architects and a few engineers and the rest were building trade workers or of some sort or another , and a few British Hydro
6 It made a lot of sense .
7 It made a lot of sense .
8 In monetary terms it made a lot more sense to extend episode numbers within a serial , thereby getting more television hours with fewer changes in location .
9 It made a lot of noise for its size , and there was no obvious way of stopping it .
10 Now whether it made a lot of difference or no , I could n't tell you , but they believed it er the set of tools they had were the best in the yard , you know , so obviously they took a wee bit of pride in them and looked after them .
11 It was going very fast and it made a lot of noise .
12 Eleanor , ’ she said again , as she began to realise that it made a lot of sense .
13 It was some such very similar situation but it involved a lot more money than you 've lost .
14 Well it involved a lot of things a bit of everything .
15 The only experience of collectivization there 'd been was the Soviet one and they seemed to have known at least something about the Soviet , they knew it involved a lot of force they knew that if you were going to collect you were going to collectivize you needed the mechaniz well they thought that you needed the mechanization first and they knew that they d A they did n't have the capacity for that mechanization they did n't want to use force I mean i it would , i it would have been very dangerous , would n't it , to go back to the countryside collectivization .
16 It changed a lot basically the with the food and everything .
17 It sustained a lot of fire damage when the labs went up .
18 That was more or less his way of doing things and it cost a lot .
19 It cost a lot and looked lovely , and the BBC has commissioned a sequel .
20 Okay , so it cost a lot to get him half way across the world , but money does n't mean much if you ca n't use it wisely . ’
21 Many RSC actresses removed their clothes , and it cost a lot less to make than that year 's high-brow smash , Brideshead Revisited .
22 It cost a lot of money . ’
23 It helped a lot that last summer was n't a hot one so the demand was that much lower . ’
24 So that in itself was a great boost for me and it er it helped a lot .
25 er the audience contact when you were actually stood up in the front and you 're there on your own just getting a little bit of feedback from the audience itself er does help and then the playback which erm I think it helped a lot to see how you faired particularly on that fir first attempt what areas you had to concentrate on to rectify your problems .
26 I 'm not saying it had such a positive effect on his career but it caused a lot of attention which he did n't buckle under , and I do feel a lot of people could n't have lived through that experience , but he did .
27 It caused a lot of financial pain to a lot of people , and especially to the fast operators in the City who were over-extended with investments in secondary stocks and flashy shell companies .
28 It caused a lot of tension , riots , and they barricaded the cells .
29 Well it , it , it caused a lot of aggravation to some
30 It received a lot of interest , the N F U were there er and the area , that area was very very keen on getting something together
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