Example sentences of "in exchange for a " in BNC.

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1 US prosecutors and lawyers for Imelda Marcos , widow of the late Philippines president , have discussed a possible deal for her to plead guilty and make a full disclosure in a racketeering case in exchange for a suspended sentence , Manila 's chief government lawyer said yesterday .
2 The Palestine Liberation Organisation , until its recent flirtation with Saddamery , had seemed genuinely willing to make peace with Israel in exchange for a Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza .
3 Mr Edwin Nathan has left his post as head of French operations after telling a French newspaper that in exchange for a high price for Imigran — £32 for a month 's supply in Britain — Glaxo would build a £100 million factory in France .
4 ‘ In my experience , ’ Surtees observed , ‘ these same young girls are only too ready to confer their favours on you , in exchange for a hot supper and an evening at the music hall ! ’
5 When the card is full , it is handed in to the station in exchange for a new one ; the old card is kept for reference .
6 If I stood on a street corner somewhere , someone could slip me a small packet in exchange for a fiver and in a few hours I 'd be slumped on the floor of a public toilet : a Drug Statistic .
7 The result , in terms of the content of the agreement which was reached , was victory : in exchange for a couple of minor concessions , Irwin got everything he wanted .
8 It was but a poor trophy for the day — a flag in exchange for a Regent , and Balliol still at large .
9 Undertake the management and maintenance of the development in exchange for a covenant from each member to pay an annual service charge .
10 He is thought to have agreed to quit without a fuss in exchange for a year 's salary .
11 Actresses are also creeping on to the catwalk , offering their services in exchange for a couple of outfits .
12 In the interests of détente , because of our belief in the value of friendly relations where possible , our government agreed to return this criminal to the British in exchange for a Soviet citizen falsely accused in London .
13 Recently , the society offered to give its building to New York City in exchange for a revision of status entitling it to city-provided operating funds .
14 Over the next five years San Jose will present a series of eighteen-month long exhibitions of works from the Whitney 's permanent collection , in exchange for a fee of $3 million — a high price for an art rental , but a fraction of what acquiring significant works costs these days .
15 At the second check , at the end of the wire tunnel , his name was searched for again , and he had to hand in his H area card in exchange for a temporary pass , and a phone call was made ahead .
16 If the use of human subjects could promote dramatic advances in research into hazardous surgery , such as liver transplantation , or the search for drugs to reverse Alzheimer 's disease , angina , or AIDS , but with possibly lethal side effects , why should we not offer long-term criminals the choice of undergoing such tests in exchange for a commutation of their sentence if they survive ?
17 Most of the really useful people , those who keep organizations alive , are average performers doing a good day 's work in exchange for a fair reward .
18 Miles are walked in exchange for a feeling of perpetual defeat .
19 ‘ Names ’ at Lloyds , who have to demonstrate that they have considerable capital assets , stand surety for Lloyds ' guarantees in insurance claims , in exchange for a share of the profits of the insurance syndicates , were recently badly hit by some of the biggest losses experienced at Lloyds .
20 Japanese barter the restoration of Urbino 's walls in exchange for a Raphael exhibition
21 She did not believe that the wicked could be caught by ten-year-old children and returned to the police station in exchange for a pony , any more than she believed that constant hot water would make young mothers smile constantly with relief and proud love .
22 Although the prison is euphemistically called a rehabilitation centre , the women staff workers are known to arrange appointments for the prostitutes with the male guards in exchange for a small return and there is no attempt to train the women to help them find some other form of employment when they are freed .
23 From Malton the Scots sent no fewer than nine men and eighteen horses to Bridlington to take as much bread , wine and beer as they wished in exchange for a somewhat qualified immunity .
24 The rogue called on the plaintiff next day and the watch and the ring were handed over to him in exchange for a building society cheque for the agreed amount .
25 ‘ Having regard to the terms of the contract , the conduct of the parties and the circumstances of the case , I have no doubt that the property was not intended to pass in this case on contract but only in exchange for a valid building society cheque , but even if it may be regarded as intended to pass in exchange for a false , but believed genuine , building society cheque it will not in my view avail the insurers . ’
26 ‘ Having regard to the terms of the contract , the conduct of the parties and the circumstances of the case , I have no doubt that the property was not intended to pass in this case on contract but only in exchange for a valid building society cheque , but even if it may be regarded as intended to pass in exchange for a false , but believed genuine , building society cheque it will not in my view avail the insurers . ’
27 ( 1 ) No doubt everyone who sells property in exchange for a cheque intends to sell only in exchange for a valid cheque .
28 ( 1 ) No doubt everyone who sells property in exchange for a cheque intends to sell only in exchange for a valid cheque .
29 In October 1944 , Domanov passed word to the allies that he and his Cossacks would be prepared to change sides in exchange for a promise of immunity from repatriation to the Soviet Union .
30 We used to go out on these walks in the country near the school , and we were accused of going with two lorry drivers behind a bush to have sex with them in exchange for a watch .
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