Example sentences of "in further [conj] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Those of you who are involved in deciding whether to apply for a place in further or higher education will already know a good deal about how to read prospectuses without believing everything they say : what they do not say is just as important .
2 Compacts are all about the celebration of success whether it occurs in the fourth or fifth years , sixth form or in further or higher education .
3 They have discretionary power to support students in further or higher education , including those who study part time .
4 Up to 60 young people aged 16 to 25 in further or higher education , training schemes or unemployed can take part in the residential seminar at Ayton School , Great Ayton on April 3–5 .
5 THOUSANDS of students could have their studies disrupted following the decision by the largest lecturers ' union last night to reject the latest pay offers for staff in further and higher education colleges and polytechnics .
6 Partnership is a more recent concept and it would not fit in too well with the motivations which inspired early industrialists ' and educationalists ' interest in further and higher education .
7 Most of the current partnerships in further and higher education ( FHE ) are of this nature , even if the inter-relationships of the parties are complicated , even complex , because the employer contribution usually relates to the financial state of the firm and this may change abruptly .
8 Career opportunities include teaching in schools , lecturing or administration in further and higher education , administration of recreation in local authorities , the management of recreation in sports centres , youth and community work and research .
9 If pupils do not have access to Standard English then many important opportunities are closed to them , in cultural activities , in further and higher education , and in industry , commerce and the professions .
10 in effect , using BSL in further and higher education is still seen by many as part of the ‘ handicap of deafness ’ and something to be overcome in education rather than used .
11 This means that schoolgirls are ineligible for a wide range of courses in further and higher education and for entry to occupations requiring a scientific or technical base .
12 Paradoxically it could result from an actual general improvement in standards combined with expanding opportunities in further and higher education .
13 Their numbers in further and higher education colleges in the UK alone were estimated in 1985 to be more than 55,000 , representing remarkable progress even by comparison with the situation 15 years earlier when none but a few pioneering colleges made any special effort to accommodate students with disabilities or learning difficulties .
14 These will relate to all the agreed Compact goals : punctuality , attendance , participation in further and higher education , Work Experience , etc .
15 In further and higher education , the gap has also been declining in recent years .
16 Adult education is to be understood in its wider sense of continuing education ( Venables , 1976 ) that it is with reference to teaching undertaken in adult education institutes , community colleges , in further and higher education , as well as in organisations within the private sector of industry and commerce and the numerous private language schools .
17 This is followed by some more detailed facts and figures about the teaching profession , and a description of some of the professionals involved in further and higher education .
18 ( D ) Teaching staff in further and higher education
19 Men far outnumber women in further and higher education teaching , especially in senior posts .
20 This survey was part of a two year research project on adults doing science , mathematics or engineering courses in further and higher education funded by the Scottish Office Education Department .
21 Gateshead has a large number of low-income families and has traditionally had a poor participation rate in further and higher education .
22 There is an important distinction to be drawn at the outset in the support arrangements for students in further and higher education .
23 I hope that as a result of visiting WISE VI you , your colleagues and pupils will be more aware of the career possibilities in Science and Technology and of the interesting and fulfilling work opportunities they offer , both through study in further and higher education and subsequently employment .
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