Example sentences of "in human [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The spiritual area is concerned with everything in human knowledge or experience that is connected with or derives from a sense of God or of gods .
2 At its best it satisfies the sense of hubris in all of us and helps us to forget the inevitable contrast between real and ideal , in human love as in every other human impulse .
3 To develop adequate and growing capability requires investment in human skills and provides a new kind of barrier to the entry of more newcomers into the international system .
4 But it also signals the end of an ancient rite rejoicing in human warmth and in the sun 's return.Susanna Rance has lived and worked in Bolivia for several years .
5 There seems to be a law in human behaviour that people , in the end , get what they want , and there can be little doubt that Eliot would not have acquired the eminence which he now enjoyed unless on one level he had sought it : he said , in an address delivered during this period , that " … things sometimes become possible if we want them enough . "
6 Members of an enterprise association are joined in seeking a common substantive satisfaction , whether it be profit maximization as in the case of a company or a change in human behaviour as in the case of the Anti-Bloodsports League .
7 The ‘ Chicago ’ human capital approach ( e.g. Becker 1971 ; also see Mincer 1980 ) perhaps goes overboard the other way , seeing observed inequality as simply the reflection of current investments in human capital and returns to past investments .
8 Unlike pop socio-biology , which appeals to the gene as the ultimate and fundamental causal factor in human evolution and behaviour , innate sociality supposes a predisposition in human beings towards the continual absorption of existing meanings and the creation of new meanings in local universes of thought that are constantly being discovered , destroyed , and negotiated anew in the process of social interaction .
9 Thus most of the P mRNA in human melanocytes and in fetal brain lacks the IR10–1 exon ; the sequence of this predominant transcript is shown in a .
10 ’ Learning is a change in human disposition or capability which can be retained , and which is not simply ascribable to the process of growth . ’
11 The results are dramatic — but how does the body become deficient in vitamin E , what is its role in human nutrition and why does its absence sabotage the nervous system ?
12 The massive , tumultuous and frequently violent changes in human society that characterize this century have , without question , formed the substance of major political theories , which at the same time — because such theories always combine analysis with some ideology or ‘ vision ’ of the social world — have directly influenced the shape and direction that these changes have taken .
13 Furthermore , it provides the beginnings of a theory which discriminates between responses which offer short-term emotional comfort for people and changes in technology and economy which produce real gains in human happiness and lessen suffering in this life .
14 Matrilineal descent systems seem to develop only occasionally in human cultures and to be associated with female ownership of primary resources such as land ( see p. 205 ) .
15 In its Human Development Report 1991 released on May 22 , the UN Development Programme ( UNDP ) called on developing countries to finance their human development needs by changing government spending patterns , and urged aid donors to base their allocations on progress in human development and human rights .
16 ‘ Women often sound unauthoritative because of their posture , ’ says Meribeth Bunch , one-time associate professor in music and anatomy , now a consultant in human communication and author of Speak With Confidence ( Kogan Page , £3.95 ) .
17 Despite many governments 's hesitations about genetic engineering in human embryos and toetuses , it is an idea that has arrived in the form of ’ gene therapy ’ .
18 They are forces which are spreading wealth faster than at any time in human history and in one 's political approach I think you either are an enthusiast anxious to embrace the forces that are at work or you are a sceptic , perhaps inclined to resist them , hoping that you can frustrate them .
19 Certainly , they hold a very special place in human history and whether subjects of worship , art , friendship , fear , love or commercial exploitation , whales have always inspired the deepest feelings .
20 He believes we are at a deeply significant turning point in human history and if we are to come through it we have to change not just the way people behave , but also the way in which they think .
21 The twentieth century is as much a century of war as any other in human history and there has been no diminution in the external use of force by states since war became illegal in 1945 .
22 The self is always a more or less precarious and conflictual construction out of , and compromise between , conflicting and not always conscious desires and experiences , which are born out of the ambivalences and contradictions in human experience and relationships with others .
23 ‘ We do not need any lessons in human rights and socialist democracy , ’ said the Prime Minister , Willi Stoph , in Berlin .
24 Courses and supervision are provided in all the main areas of private , public , comparative and international law , with more focused offerings in commercial law , international economic law , legal history , European law , constitutional law and in human rights and civil liberties .
25 The plausibility stems from the implicit allusion to ideology ; there are historical forces at work in human culture that bring about the obfuscation of meanings that are then hidden .
26 There are now no ‘ fundamental contradictions in human life that can not be resolved in the context of modern liberalism ’ .
27 As a further control , an IgG antibody to an unrelated determinant in human liver and colon was used to stain 36 sections of human colon to ensure that there was no non-specific binding of IgG ( data not shown ) .
28 Has this technique an application in human neurosurgery and if so in which condition ?
29 Rosenbrock objects to the " automated manual " type of system since it represents as he says " loss of nerve , a loss of belief in human ability and a further unthinking application of the doctrine of the " division of labour " .
30 He also claims that it is desirable to think ‘ intuitively ’ and not by logical steps , but again logic is the exception not the rule in human thought and all the greatest scientific discoveries have been made by the use of informed intuition , Ornstein believes that the right hemisphere is underdeveloped in Western man and the spiritual growth depends on expanding its activities .
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