Example sentences of "in a single [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Due to wartime conditions the peasantry got the same amount of agricultural machinery over the years 1915–21 that they had been able to buy in a single year prior to the World War .
2 In a single year the unregulated Japanese hunt had killed almost half the local porpoise population .
3 Such LBOs accounted for $216 billion-worth of deals in 1984–90 , peaking at a total of almost $54 billion in a single year , 1989 , before halving in 1990 .
4 The tone of the festivities was set by Göring 's public eulogy , stating : ‘ We … look back to an unbroken chain of glorious victories such as only one man could attain in a single year of his life , one who is not only a statesman and military commander , but at the same time also Leader and man of the people : our Führer … ’
5 For a two-child family the increases we are making will , by April 1992 , have raised the total value of Child Benefit by almost £3 in a single year , to £17.45 a week .
6 This year 's donations were the largest given in a single year .
7 A striking example is provided by a famous maker of astronomical instruments , Jean Fusoris , who was arrested on suspicion of treason in 1415 , during the invasion of France by Henry V. Interrogated twice in a single year , on the first occasion he claimed to be ‘ fifty or thereabouts , and on the second ‘ sixty or thereabouts ! ’
8 Debt service ratio : This ratio is calculated by combining debt principal repayments and interest payable in a single year and dividing it by the country 's exports for the equivalent period .
9 ‘ In 1809 he won the Society of Arts gold medals , having planted in a single year over a million larches and other forest trees ’ — he planted for posterity .
10 For example , if retail prices should rise by 10 per cent in a single year , but at the same time after-tax incomes should also rise by 10 per cent as a result of cuts in direct taxation , then the Tax and Price Index method would record a zero rate of inflation .
11 According to a survey by the Institution of Environmental Health Officers , the rat population increased by 20 per cent in a single year , 1988–89 , and it has almost certainly rocketed since .
12 Under the more inefficient system of the late nineteenth century , it was not unusual for over 2,000 cases to be reported in a single year .
13 Again , an analysis of the lesser offices of bailli , prévôt and constable ( of a castle ) between 1254 and 1307 reveals that at least sixty-one identifiable Gascon nobles held these offices , as against a mere nineteen English or Anglo-Normans , of whom ten were appointed by Simon de Montfort and the Lord Edward in a single year ( 1253–4 ) .
14 One indication of current priorities is that Making Belfast Work has less money committed to it in total over four years than is spent on prisons in a single year .
15 In England , only one toad was caught in more than one pond in a single year , but in Sweden , a relatively large number moved between ponds in a single season .
16 In a single year everything had changed .
17 In a single year the number of awards available from SERC for students on such courses increased fivefold to 1000 , as part of the IT Initiative .
18 In 1988/89 , a milestone was passed when , for the first time , there were more than a million module enrolments in a single year .
19 So there will be a £25 million spend in a single year , in the current financial year , against an average of £8.5 million in the two previous financial years .
20 It may be advantageous for the interest charge to be borne by a separate investment company if the purchasing group has insufficient profits to absorb the interest charge in a single year .
21 ARCHY KIRKWOOD , the Liberal Democrat MP , is pressing for a National Audit Office inquiry after discovering that the Inland Revenue wrote off almost £900 million in unpaid taxes in a single year .
22 Indeed , it is in a single sentence .
23 In a single sentence , Pope John provided the Council with a method and commentators with material that could last a lifetime .
24 The whole problem of identity raised in a single sentence .
25 This sense of purpose and of confinement to " legitimate " objectives is briefy conveyed in a single sentence describing events at Malmesbury : " They seized all the corn ; sold it at 5s [ 25p ] a bushel , and gave the money to the right owners . "
26 We are accustomed to the ‘ arrow of time ’ pointing in a single direction : from past through present to future .
27 Spatial frequency is less intuitively obvious but is related to the number of times the display cycles from light to dark to light again as you go a fixed distance in a single direction across the display .
28 Wall 's ( 1986 ) evidence suggests that there have been fluctuations over time in patterns of who actually shares households , but that these have not been in a single direction .
29 Thus a focus on the emotional dimensions of relationships — whether on feelings of affection or feelings of duty — tends to suggest that if there has been any discernible change in a single direction over time , it has been an increase rather than a decrease in the significance of the feelings which people have for their relatives .
30 On the other hand , we can not say that people are making up their minds for themselves so long as they are largely unaware of the influences that are playing upon them , and so long as those influences are not essentially diverse and competitive , but generally combine to push their thinking , their attitudes and feelings in a single direction .
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