Example sentences of "a smile [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 A smile curved her lips .
2 A smile curved her mouth , though , as she kicked off her shoes and went and lay down on her bed .
3 Her glance flew to the Jaguar , parked where it was always parked these days , and a hint of a smile warmed her mouth .
4 ‘ And as a little girl , ’ the faintest shadow of a smile touched her face , ‘ I was always naughty and disobedient , and so , under Father 's guidance , I learned to control myself — all my emotions — for the greater good of serving the Lord .
5 Jenny 's lashes flickered and a smile touched her coral mouth .
6 Folly felt the beginnings of a smile twitch her mouth .
7 Claudia , a smile curving her mouth , buttered her toast and sat down to eat .
8 Strangely , though , as a smile lit her face , she could n't in all honesty have said that her smile was totally on account of having secured an interview with that most elusive man !
9 She was on the cabin deck with Finnan , Bicker and Ratagan , a smile lighting her face .
10 She turned her head to look at him , her eyes twinkling red-gold with the firelight , a touch of a smile curling her lips .
11 Alida would say , raising her eyes , a smile pinching her pin-cushion mouth .
12 Mandy hesitated and then a smile softened her face .
13 She paused when she reached Anna , and a smile softened her face .
14 Annie let a smile touch her lips and she passed off her embarrassment by wiping Rachel 's mouth with a spotless white handkerchief which she took from her coat pocket .
15 ‘ Aye , ’ agreed Laura , a smile brightening her face .
16 A shadow of a smile creased her mouth ; but it was circumstantial , not genuine .
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